Jun 8, 2009
Book Reports / I have trouble developing a thesis statement for Oedipus the King [10]
Even though I thoroughly enjoyed this reading, I am having alot of trouble developing a thesis statement. I did gather that the moral of the story is to not judge someone's life until it is fully lived. I say this because his citizens of Thebes view him as a hero because he solved the riddle and saved the city from the Sphinx, but later on the Messenger tells him who he is and what he has done which makes him a very troubled,wrong man. Is there anyway I could somehow state that as my thesis statement?
Even though I thoroughly enjoyed this reading, I am having alot of trouble developing a thesis statement. I did gather that the moral of the story is to not judge someone's life until it is fully lived. I say this because his citizens of Thebes view him as a hero because he solved the riddle and saved the city from the Sphinx, but later on the Messenger tells him who he is and what he has done which makes him a very troubled,wrong man. Is there anyway I could somehow state that as my thesis statement?