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Posts by Marilu
Name: Maria Lourdes DeSimone
Joined: Sep 1, 2014
Last Post: Sep 1, 2014
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From: United States
School: Tallwood High School

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Sep 1, 2014
Undergraduate / Describe one of your quirks and why it is part of who you are. UVA supplement [2]

Does this even make sense? Editing is appreciate but I really want to know if this is a strong enough quirk.

My family knows that in biology SAV can stand for Submersed Aquatic Vegetation. I provided them with that interesting tidbit while we were on a touring boat in Key West, Florida. On another occasion one of my friends got a job where she was required to provide a fingerprint to be kept on file. My response to her, after she had recounted her experience, was to share that your tongue-print, similar to your fingerprint, is the only of its kind. My father and I once got into an argument because he found it hard to believe that a bolt of lightening is actually 5 times as hot as the surface of the sun.

I have a passion for knowledge, and more particularly I have a passion for obscure facts. I find the world fascinating in its obscurities. Like people, its full of things we don't know about and won't know if we don't actively try to keep learning. For this reason I am always asking questions, trying to find the reasons behind the way things work. I have a reputation for knowing random facts and an even bigger one for sharing them with the group. Its part of who I am and nothing delights me more than sharing something interesting with another person. As I mature into a higher-level learner and as a person I want to maintain that same level of fascination and easy captivity.
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