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Posts by vorojak
Name: mahboobe p
Joined: Oct 8, 2014
Last Post: Oct 9, 2014
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From: Islamic Republic of Iran
School: fadak

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Oct 8, 2014
Writing Feedback / When staff is satisfied with their job they are more likely to do their duty very well. [4]

In the modern society of today all of people have to work and spend lots of time for their work. there are an array of factors that according to them, people select their job.everyone has special and individual elements for choosing a job that job satisfaction is one of the important of them.

to my mind, today people have an especial attention to job satisfaction and i think sometimes this factor is more important element than another factors.when one has a sense of satisfactory in his or her workplace. he does his duty very well and also this factor really keeps his spirit up.

there are several factors that make job satisfaction for workers such as a good manager,high salary and friendly ambiance and without stress. a manager should contact with the employee and admire them in their work.

Oct 9, 2014
Writing Feedback / When staff is satisfied with their job they are more likely to do their duty very well. [4]

I am so sorry for my mistakes and my bad essay!!!!!!!!
I hope that I could revise my essay well!!!!!!!

In the modern society of today all of people have to work and spend the majority number of hours for their work. There is an array of factors that according to them, people select their job. Job satisfaction is one of the most important of these elements that many factors make it such as high salary, good manager and a peaceful environment.

To my mind, when a person apply for a job, first and foremost he or she attentions to its salary because people need a job with high income. When people can fulfill their needs, they are more likely to have job satisfaction. Also having a good manager that can support them and be sympathetic is a contributing factor for creating job satisfaction. A good employer should attention to demands and requests of employees. He or she can give them wage for encouraging them. All of these works can bring about job satisfaction for staff.

Another factor that can appeal workers and create job satisfaction is a warm and peaceful atmosphere in workplaces. In my view having a warm ambiance without stress causes workers have job satisfaction and thus do their duties very well. For instance one year ago I worked in a laboratory but I don't have job satisfaction on the grounds that it was full of stress and I couldn't continue my work. I always blame my boss because of she couldn't create a friendly atmosphere for us so all of my colleagues expressed a sense of dissatisfaction.

In conclusion, job satisfaction is a significant factor for all of worker, but in my opinion it isn't realistic that the expectation of job satisfaction for all them is the same. There are certainly other elements that create job satisfaction for staff and these factors depend to person's opinion.
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