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Posts by michelle21
Name: Dania De La Hoya Rojas
Joined: Oct 28, 2014
Last Post: Oct 28, 2014
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From: United States of America
School: Schlarman Academy

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Oct 28, 2014
Undergraduate / Burning Popcorn at the Movies - Stanford Activities Essay [2]

Any thoughts on my activities essay for Stanford? It was the only thing I could really think to write about.

Briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences. (150 word limit)
I burnt the popcorn on my first day at work. The kettle is supposed to be turned over once the popping slows down, but I misjudged what "slows down" actually meant and let it burn. The smell pervaded the room and probably scared off some customers. That same day, I burned myself trying to clean the kettle, and it took me an extra hour to close down. Although at the time this experience made me question how I had gotten hired in the first place, I now see that setting me loose so soon was meant to be a teaching experience; I learned from my mistakes and improved exponentially.

So far, working at a movie theater has taught me about time management, responsibility, and commitment. More importantly, it has taught me to appreciate the hard work my parents put into supporting our family. Plus, I make a mean pretzel now.
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