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Posts by Abdulrehman
Name: Abdulrehman Arif
Joined: Dec 20, 2014
Last Post: Dec 22, 2014
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From: pakistan
School: MCA

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Dec 20, 2014
Graduate / Aims and Objective, Outcome, Work Plan - Project proposal for M A in Fine Arts [3]

Project Proposal:-
Hello every one I wrote my project proposal to have admission in university to complete my Master degree and for that my proposal should be very strong in all aspects please help in to find out my errors, Thank you

Working Tittle:
How can the corporal of the conjunction we have with others and with objects, the phenomena of physical could be unambiguous.
Aims and Objective:
The query of conjunction in my mind for substance and with each other in terms of materials I bring to light the physicality's of how we interact with each other.

The value of commodity and components is related to performances, opportunity and desirability.
I will interrogate the scale by which we measure value and application of resources by creating three dimension objects also invite the capabilities of appropriate and tactile engagement with my art work.

In the words of the Artist and Author:-
ILka White, articulate this in relation to her work "Entanglement" 'thinking about ...all the myriad forms of connection, subtle to vast .like when your chest feel ripped apart by the sky's eloquence .The mind extends way out beyond the skull ...As the quantum physicist tells us, we live in an entangled universe.

On the other hand Sherry Tuckle, a professor in social science, has made the argument that tools catalytic change in how we think. This supports the convictions the very developments of the human brain was stimulate by emergence of basket making technique.

By taking above example I will be employing with the impact of commodities with human life and the juxtaposition between low-tech accumulation and high-tech construction.

I am keen to establish my concept of an investigation into the contrast between how we relate with our territory from where we belong, compared to how we associate it with daily life.

I will produce written contribution to the debate reading commodities and our materialistic links with them. I plan to develop work of art which feel out their place in context to the object of corporal and materiality of abject this will be an ongoing body of work...

Sustaining the balance between artifice of capabilities and integrity of through making will be vital. Seeking out new opportunity to learn new technique and show my creativity amongst contemporary, diversity or contradictory setting will be mandatory to allow reading some of my ideas. Furthermore, I will give my attention to explore what differentiation work produced with existing or sustainable material from other form of production.

Work Plan:
My studio works will be necessary to my exploration and to improvement and all relevant research will revile facts of conjunction which we have with others as well with objects.
Dec 22, 2014
Graduate / Aims and Objective, Outcome, Work Plan - Project proposal for M A in Fine Arts [3]

Thank you so very much Dear for correcting my mistakes, Please do let me know more how could I make it more effective to achieve my goal. Further more I will upload my motivation letter very soon to have your suggestions for composing it in a right way.... again thanks for your help:)
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