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Posts by NafisaIqbal
Name: Nafisa Iqbal
Joined: Dec 22, 2014
Last Post: Dec 22, 2014
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From: Bangladesh
School: International School of Dhaka

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Dec 22, 2014
Undergraduate / The Village - images of abundant green and gold rice paddies, sunlight glinting off straw shacks.. [5]

Hey, guys. Please check out my essay and offer any feedback you think will be helpful. Thanks always.

NYU is global, urban, inspired, smart, connected, and bold. What can NYU offer you, and what can you offer NYU? (200-400 words)

During my first week in New York City, my cousin who lived there offered to take me out to lunch at one of her favorite pizza places located in "the Village". Hailing from Bangladesh, the word "village" automatically resonates images of abundant green and gold rice paddies, sunlight glinting off straw shacks and large burgundy cows; so, of course, I had been shocked to hear that there existed a "village" in such close proximity to the Big Apple and, in fact, within it. What I found instead was, of course, completely different.

In contrast to the glass skyscrapers standing tall with their heads in the clouds, intimidating and aloof, here was a place that was homely and intimate. With humble, yet charming brownstone architecture, petite shops selling secondhand books, intimate cafes emanating the smell of freshly brewed coffee, Greenwich Village had a pleasant, Parisian feel. I was blown away. Here was a place I could call home.

Courtesy of my cousin's almost non-existent navigating skills, we ended up lost. However, my annoyance soon faded as we found ourselves in the beautiful Washington Square Park. The park hosted an eclectic mixture of people. However, what interested me most were the students - playing tunes reminiscent of Dylan, performing passionate poetry or immersed in intellectual conversation. Instantly, I knew I wanted to be part of that.

Growing up in a city the size of a small town, I feel that my surroundings lack diversity. Through my time at NYU, I wish to gain many diverse experiences and meet people from all over the world to gain new perspectives. Besides studying courses I am truly interested in, I want to experience a culture completely different from my own and expand my knowledge and understanding of the world. Becoming part of NYU, I want to draw inspiration from the community's vitality, feeding off the energetic pulse of New York.

Compared to New York City, Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, is infinitesimally small. However, despite its size, Dhaka has a rich culture filled to the brim with color and flavor. In my blood, runs the poetry of Tagore, the rhythm of the tabla, the taste of ilish maach and colors of rickshaw art. I wish to bring to NYU, yet another set of lens through which to view the world around us and become another drop in the melting pot of NYU's diverse cultures.
Dec 22, 2014
Undergraduate / My community - children should help their families to reduce the burdens [4]

The grammar can be significantly improved but before you get to that, I think you should take a look at the question once again. The question asks for you to talk about your community, not your family. Just some ideas - you can talk about the country that you moved from or contrast the community you grew up in in your country and that of the one you live in now.

(: Good luck.
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