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Posts by skwangar
Joined: Dec 27, 2014
Last Post: Dec 27, 2014
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Dec 27, 2014
Writing Feedback / Anti-radiation scarf and poncho stanford intellectual vitality [2]

Stanford students possess an intellectual vitality. Reflect on an idea or experience that has been important to your intellectual development. (at least 250 words, less than 2000 characters)

"Beep, Beep, b-b-b-eeep." As the EMF machine approached the wireless wifi, the sound got faster and faster. The results were alarming- it emitted tremendous amounts of radiation that could cause cancer. Yet it was in my School, a place where I live. In a society where technology dominates , it is hard not to see what radiation is doing to us.There have been currently up to 44 possible side-effects of being exposed to too much radiation including eight different types of cancer, DNA damage, ADHD, and infertility.

After the radiation expert came, I could notice the habits that people around me were engaging in, such as placing phone under beds and placing computers on laps, that literally invited tons of radiation into their bodies. After tumbling in bed thinking about how uneducated many were about radiation, I had a sudden epiphany. I can create a anti-radiation scarf for my Junior Achievement company! I got in contact with the radiation expert and discovered a cotton radiation shielding fabric that reflected radiation off. With my friend who aspired to become designer, we invented the first successful anti-radiation scarf that covered the areas susceptible to cancer such as thyroid, bladder area, and chest. After confirmation from Canadians for Safe Technology a month ago, my company has been passionately warning society about radiation as we market our products, in hopes that the future be clear of problems from radiation.
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