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Posts by Cris2197
Name: Cristina Caruso
Joined: Jan 14, 2015
Last Post: Jan 15, 2015
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From: United States of America

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Jan 14, 2015
Undergraduate / This essay is to know you as an individual, independent of test scores and other objective data. [3]

Although optional, the essay assists the Admissions Committee in knowing you as an individual, independent of test scores and other objective data. We ask that you respond to two of the topics below. Your responses should be no longer than a total of 500 words or 7,000 characters.

2.How has your family history, culture, or environment influenced who you are?
3.Why did you choose to apply to UCF?

I'm in the midst of writers block so any assistance would be of great help. Thanks!!

The way my family history and environment has influenced me is seen in every part of my life. Education is a priority in my family life, for my greatest influences are educators. My maternal grandmother Maria Dolores Suarez de Pernas lived in Cuba for thirty-two years before becoming a political refugee in the United States of America. She holds a Doctorate Degree from University of Havana in Pedagogy of which upon leaving Cuba the degree became invalid because she was fleeing the country. Though an obstacle, when my grandmother arrived to Miami, Florida she studied many years and now holds a Specialist Degree in Early Childhood Education from Nova Southeastern and a Master's degree in Theology from Barry University. As a result of these degrees she became an educator via the public school system in Miami-Dade County where she retired as a school administrator at the age of sixty-six. Having her as influence has instilled the love and respect I have towards my academics. My father was restaurant owner for over twenty years and decided to take on a second career as a school teacher. My father was a paraprofessional at the elementary level helping children with behavioral issues and is now a Middle School Spanish II, III and IV AP teacher. My father's persistence in getting a Bachelor's degree while working was importance to me because it showed me that education is of great value at any age. Growing up in Houston, Texas the crime rates are so astronomical that it has inspired me to take action and do something regarding crime and how it affects our society and environment. There's something particular about crime such as the fact that it's an action caused by the intersection of love and hate that intrigues me to study the "why" of it. Needless to say I am a huge fan of shows such as "Criminal Minds" and "Law and Order" but they're not realistic. Fortunately, UCF will provide me with courses concerning "Crime in America" and "Research Methods in Criminal Justice" so that I may get a sensible feel on what the career requires. I am so very fortunate to come from a family of educators because it has influenced me to be relentless towards my studies. My family's belief in education has had a significant influence on my environment.

My strongest desire since moving away from Florida as a child has always been to return and attend the University of Central Florida. Last summer when starting the college search, I began investigating schools in Florida that are best for my major of Criminal Justice. It would be an honor to attend UCF because it is ranked the second best school in Florida and the 26th best in the nation for Criminal Justice. The Criminal Justice program at UCF will provide me with the education, experience and reasoning that are applicable in my degree. My decision to apply to UCF is to attend a college whose diversity is limitless, has strong academics, a place where I can feel safe, and finally, somewhere where I would feel home away from home. UCF exceeds these qualifications for me in that it is a campus that I feel would be home away from home. I've grown up on everything being "Texas Big" and with UCF being the largest campus in Florida; it would meet my desire to continue my education on a large campus.

There are ample clubs and activities to partake in at UCF. I am interested in joining the student government association so that I can create a positive and sustainable change at UCF as well as in the community of Orlando, Florida. My cousin Oscar Diaz graduated UCF in 2007 with a double master's degree in Sports Management. His diligence, dynamic and intellect were all honed at UCF. Today he is a successful Financial Controller for Fisher Island in Miami Beach. His professional career is a direct representation of the successful outcome of his education at the University of Central Florida.

As a future professional in the Criminal Justice field, I can relate to UCF's motto "Reach for the Stars" because I aspire to hold a position in this field where I can be a leader and an example of a successful graduate from UCF.

I long for learning the traditions of UCF, finding my niche in the UCF family, and having pride in being a Knight.
Jan 15, 2015
Undergraduate / This essay is to know you as an individual, independent of test scores and other objective data. [3]

Yeah! Thank you so much for this. For the first essay the idea behind the writing was my grandmother and dad's hardships and how it's had an impact on their education and in mine. For the "Why UCF" one... I felt it's easy to become redundent in this type of essay and since they consider alumni relation, including my cousin was to add something other than the academics and enviornment.
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