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Posts by aliredha
Name: Ali Redha Muljiani
Joined: Feb 2, 2015
Last Post: Feb 3, 2015
Threads: 1
Posts: 2  

From: United Arab Emirates
School: Our Own English High School

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Feb 2, 2015
Undergraduate / Making the world a better place, even for the underprivileged drives - why I chose this program? [5]

Please tell us about your educational goals, your interest in your chosen program(s), and your reasons for applying to the University of Waterloo. If you have applied to more than one program please discuss your interest in each program. (900 character limit)

Making the world a better place, even for the underprivileged drives me to pursue a degree in Mechanical engineering at one of the world's most renowned universities. The University of Waterloo with its remarkable Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering will help me attain the knowledge required to reach my goal. Providing the best cooperative education in Canada, I would be able to practically apply the theories learnt in some of the top companies in the world. By interacting and working with experienced personal in these companies I would also be able enhance my skills in teamwork, time management and leadership. Mechanical engineers are the key to a number of solutions in almost all fields of engineering and have a wide scope in the developing world and I feel that The University of Waterloo will help me accomplish my life's goal and pave my path for a better future.
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