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Posts by trantuan1471
Name: tran tuan
Joined: Mar 19, 2015
Last Post: Mar 19, 2015
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From: United States of America
School: sunnyvale

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Mar 19, 2015
Undergraduate / It will help me have a clear picture in my career and become a good person. STAAR Summer CAMP [NEW]

Why would you like to be in this program? STAAR Summer CAMP

This is my essay. Please help me !!!! English is not my first language :(((

Since my childhood, I always quite adventurous and sought new experiences. I was always ready to accept the outcome of all my adventures, good or bad. I had an inclination towards the unknown or the yet to be discovered, deriving pleasure from challenging myself.

I am looking forward to repeating that experience on a whole new level, by participating in Summer camp and interacting with people from various parts of the globe, learning their cultures and sharing mine. Helping in this program will give me great opportunities to communicate with other students and teachers, and give me more practice using English, as it is my second language.

Summer camp is a good activity to help me learn more about science to get ready for AP Physics class next year. I will also give me access to more information about careers in science, as well as help me get experience by working in science labs.

I am still thirsty for knowledge and new experiences. Moreover, this course will help me decide which specific field I want to go into.
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