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Posts by Azadeh85
Name: Azadeh Mohseni
Joined: Jul 28, 2015
Last Post: Jul 28, 2015
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From: Iran

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Jul 28, 2015
Writing Feedback / The tobacco has a lot of poisons substances which have harmful effects on users and non-users. [2]

Smoking tobacco like other dangerous drug should be illegal. Agree or disagree?

Smoking tobacco is a common among many people, which does not depend on the ages and the genders. All of the users inhale it regularly and repeatedly even though they aware of its physical and emotional harmful effects, and they always see the picture of a damaged lung on a cigarette packet. Quitting smoking is difficult for many users, because they have become addicted physically and mentally. Due to many disadvantages which smoking tobacco has for person and family, many people believe that smoking tobacco should be made illegal.

The tobacco has a lot of poisons substances which have harmful effects on users and non-users. It causes to speed up the heart rates, raise the blood pressure and because of shortness breathing, breathe more rapidly. These symptoms may result to heart attack and/or stroke. It has also a bad effect on skin and increases skin wrinkles. Nicotine is a known addictive substance in tobacco which forces users to use regularly and repeatedly. This substance is the main factor which prevent the users from stop to light it up. We can say if the smokes are not available, the society will be healthy.

Making illegal smoking tobacco does not cause to access denied. There are a lot of smokers in all over the world who are not accept this compulsory low. The smugglers are also ready to take this responsibility. On the other hand the users smoke secretly probably in dangerous places.

Making illegal smoking tobacco cannot solve the problem; however, it probably reduces the smokers. It is needed to consider all of the factors which leads to smoke. If the government be able to control the external factors, making illegal smoking will be useful.
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