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Posts by msaleh
Joined: Aug 26, 2015
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Aug 26, 2015
Writing Feedback / Successful people are willing to examine new things and take risks - they can't accept routine [2]

A/D: Successful people try new things and take risks rather than only doing what they already know how to do well.

As far as I am concerned, it seems extremely correct that successful people are willing to examine new things and take risks instead of just performing what they are already familiar with in that, this way, not only are they able to learn more, but also they have a chance to be more sophisticated.

The first point which should be mentioned here is that by doing new things, successful people can learn a lot about whatever topic that they are interested in. As all people know, ordinary people who do not think of being prosperous, most of the time, prefer to do their activities and duties as they do always; as a result, they do not have a chance to be faced with some problems which could lead them to try to overcome and learn new things that they have not been aware yet. But, people who are willing to be successful know that they can learn a lot by encountering problems, using this knowledge in other areas and consequently, taking advantage of that.

Another point which deserves some words here is that by taking risks, successful people would be able to gather a lot of new experiences. To illustrate, imagine a company owner. If this person does not take the risk of producing new products, he is not able to have some advantages and overcome his rivals existing in the market since all of factory owners have the same experiences in producing a similar product. Considering this fact, successful people always try to obtain new experiences by taking risks, and they know that the more they have new experiences, the more successful they would be.

In a word, by taking all the reasons mentioned above which are to have a chance to learn new things related to whatever issue and also to be able to get new experiences, into account, it is high time that experts believed that successful people prefer to do new things and take risks instead of just doing their usual activities.
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