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Posts by kabul01
Name: Zia Ahmad Faqiri
Joined: Oct 20, 2015
Last Post: Oct 20, 2015
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From: Afghanistan
School: Ghulam Haiderkhan

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Oct 20, 2015
Scholarship / 'assistant Project Manager' - applying for Chevening Scholarship - I need support with this section [NEW]

Hello Dear friends I wanna to apply to the Chevening scholarship 2016/2017 but I am full of hesitation cause of my application. Does my application is right or no?

anyone help me to this part I would be their owe.

1- Leadership & Influence Question:

Chevening is looking for individuals that will be future leaders or influencers in their home countries. Explain how you meet this requirement, using clear examples of your own leadership and influencing skills to support your answer.

(minimum word count: 50 words, maximum word count: 500 words).

Throughout my work experience with private and public institutions I have learnt leadership is not only doing everything by yourself but leadership is motivating and persuading the group of people and choosing the best team or group for a task. Four years' experience taught me how to lead and follow.

Nine months ago when I started my work as assistant Project Manager at Kabul New City Development Authority's Project Management Division which is the biggest national and development project in Afghanistan. My project manager has resigned because he has decided to go for Master's Degree to Japan. There was huge problem with the site office building and headquarter building. Because several times these two building has rejected by the Head Office for the sake of financial and technical problems and there was the best time for me to prove myself.

However, it was a challenge in role of assistant project manager so, I have decided to discuss and convince the Head of Project Management Division, and I am ready for this challenge, to give me the leadership of these two projects. Finally he has accepted my suggestion.

Therefor; first I have studied all technical documents to find out the obstructions of the projects why has it refused many times, so in conclusion I have found the obstacles and according SWOT Analysis I have gone ahead and I have made three teams as following were:

1) Architectural Design team 2) Structural Design team 3) Estimation and Costing team. At the begging I have specified the difficulties and selected three Engineers for each team and distributed duties and responsibilities for them according their professional duties and academic background. Also my responsibilities were to follow works and lead them and I took part in internal meeting with Urban Planning Division. Then I have motivated and persuaded them, they should discuss and share their ideas, experiences and work together to find the best way to be safest and economical building. After three months I reached to my objective what I have expected.

Finally, Kabul New City Development Authority supreme leader has passed our designed projects. And they appreciated us by certificate and especially Project Management Head thanks from me.

2- Networking Question:

Chevening is looking for individuals with strong networking skills, who will engage with the Chevening community and influence and lead others in their chosen profession. Explain how you meet this requirement, using clear examples of your networking skills, and outline how you hope to use these skills in the future.

(minimum word count: 50 words, maximum word count: 500 words).

Seven years ago when I succeeded to the university of Al-Beroni, they had a welcome ceremony for new comers. Fortunately, I have been chosen from around 100 new comers to have speech. After completing of my speech I got standing aviation from all the participants.

During my five years studying in the university I become successful to prepare a community (which called student community) to share ideas, Knowledge...etc. with each other on university conference hall. This community helped most of the student to solve their problems. During these five years I was very friendly person with seniors and juniors students, most of juniors students were contacted me for solving their education and social issues, this attitude helped me a lot to raise my experience and networking skills.

Fortunately, based on needs and requirements and suggestion of students I prepared a Facebook page for university ( under the name of Al-Beroni University ) to share educational and institutional issues, and besides some other students I was the main admin of mentioned page. I achieved the recognition and appreciation of students for making this useful page.

During my working experience I had a friendly environment with other colleagues and always appreciated by the co-workers and management staff.
I have really strong communication, discussion and dialog skills, therefore with these qualities I will be able to make good network with people particularly with Chevening community. I have the skills to maintain my networks in official and non-official maters.

3- Studying in the UK Question:

Outline why you have selected your chosen three university courses, and explain how this relates to your previous academic or professional experience and your plans for the future.

*Please do not duplicate the information you have entered on the work experience and education section of this form (minimum word count: 50 words, maximum word count: 500 words).

I graduated from Civil Engineering of Al-Beroni University in 2013 year. In five years to undergraduate program I have learnt about the fundamental of Construction Management and in role as project manager to understand national and international standards of project implementation system, Development policy for project, planning and analysis of project implementation.

Throughout the four years' work experiences in several technical and management positions with number of public and private organizations; such as (NRP) National Rural Program which is implementing by Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development, Afghan Golden Gate Construction Company which is the biggest private Construction Company all over the Afghanistan and currently I am working as assistant project manager at Kabul New City Development Authority since early, 2015. I have developed professionally but I comprehended that Project management is an extensive program which requires to study in deep.

Moreover; after completion of civil war in our country in 2001 years. Afghanistan from construction point of view it was totally destroyed which required full attention of the Afghan Government and the donor's country as a result the supreme leaders have made decision to commence reconstruction and rehabilitation of our infrastructure. Hence, Afghanistan is a country that extremely had required and needs for strong management and professional Engineers team to track the development of all infrastructural projects. However, due to lack of expertise in this field, some of Construction Projects have handled with lots of challenges, even some of them failed due to poor quality and workmanship and having qualified managers in this field (Construction Management and Construction Project Management) and good management of Governmental and Non-Governmental Projects would make stronger Afghanistan's economics and community.

My previous academic background precisely relates to this field because I have degree BSc Civil Engineering faculty of Al-Beroni University, where I achieved 88% score. Throughout my undergraduate program I have studied Economic Planning, Management, Construction management, Project Design and I have done various projects; as for instance, my first project have been in Economic planning according "SWOT analysis" took first position in my faculty, my following project have been in Construction Management subject in which I have scheduled and did cost estimation as well. During my studying in Master Program I would like to research concerning theories, practices of project management, from initiation to close out which enable me to act as a professional person in my field.

I have specialized experiences two years in the field of Construction Project Management; particularly at two prestigious organizations such as; at Kabul New City Development Authority I have been working as assistant Project Manager since 2015 to present and at Golden Gate Construction Company from 2012 to 2015. I am part of successful team right now; I have aided my team and have won trophies which show both my team playing and leadership skills.

4- Career Plan Question:

Chevening is looking for individuals who have a clear post-study career plan. Outline your immediate plans upon returning home and your longer term career goals, considering how these relate to UK priorities in your country.

* UK priority areas can be found on your country page of the Chevening website
(minimum word count: 50 words, maximum word count: 500 words).

Upon completion of my course, I will return to my home country, alongside others youth to take parts to the rebuilding and rehabilitation of my country and accomplish enormous service. Particularly; I am going to resume working at Kabul New City Development Authority again which is the largest and historical Development National Project throughout the Afghanistan as specialist but in higher position to play a key role as expert in decision making and implementation and management of projects,

Also this project has two significant task. Those are following:
1-Prapering of Kabul New City) Master Plan which is completed by Japan's assistance.
2-Phesed implementing of this project. And I will do my best efforts to utilize what I gain, acquaintance and skills from UK's Postgraduate Program in my field and share them with my colleagues

In long term I would try to propagate Construction Project Manager advanced in capacity building through the seminars, workshops and training also my long term to be part time lecturer in Engineering Faculty at Kabul University and propagate this field of study in Afghanistan as I am working part time instructor of Construction Management subject at Ama-e-Shamal higher institute

I am young, energetic, hardworking and motivated person who believe successfully would completed your program as well as my academic record indicate my ability.
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