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Posts by Mpberyl
Name: Beryl MPamo
Joined: Oct 30, 2015
Last Post: Nov 1, 2015
Threads: 1
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From: United States of America
School: Westerville South Highschool

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Oct 30, 2015
Undergraduate / "And is in our DNA" - I am applying Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences; Northwestern as my home [5]

Prompt: What are the unique qualities of Northwestern - and of the specific undergraduate school(s) to which you are applying - that make you want to attend the University? In what ways do you hope to take advantage of the qualities you have identified?

Word Limit: 300

What I have so far:
While exploring Northwestern I was captivated by its clever yet meaningful motto, "And is in our DNA". As an aspiring young scholar, my focus has never lingered on one path and accordingly, I see Northwestern as my home. What makes Northwestern appealing to me is that it encourages exploration through its curriculum. It's quarter system will allow me to take advantage of the 4,000+ courses and explore my interests in biological sciences, economics and African studies. My dream day at Northwestern is sitting in on a seminar led by professor Gary Galbreath and listening in on his evolutionary use of genetics to study the correlation between species and animal migration, and a few hours later receive my dose of economics from visiting notable lecturers, such as Nobel prize winning economist Jean Tirole, competing for the Erwin Plein Nemmers prize in Econ.

Along with its distinguished professors, lecturers, and unique curriculum, NU will satisfy my thirst for experience through its numerous research and internship opportunities. Programs such as the Chicago Field Studies program will allow me to combine my academic study and my career exploration by combining weekly seminars with internship experiences.

Another quality that made Northwestern all the more seducing was its efforts in building a richer community through its Diversity and Inclusion programs. I found this as a great opportunity to be immersed in a community where members are challenged to engage differences as strengths in order to improve campus culture. These programs would also serve as a great way to share my experience as an African immigrant while exploring the viewpoints and issues of peoples with both similar and different backgrounds.
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