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Posts by adjku
Name: Adj Ku
Joined: Dec 27, 2015
Last Post: Dec 27, 2015
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From: US
School: MSU

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Dec 27, 2015
Scholarship / Short and long-term goals priorities in my life; college degree [3]

Nice essay, straight to the point.

I would take out "I have a lot of plans". It seemed broad, not a very strong entrance.

"..in an overnight stay at the college in the next few weeks" it is probably already known what college it is, since you are submitting an application for it but I would still state the name of the college.

remember "bachelors". I would also list your associate degree first, then list bachelors then masters. To give it a kick, maybe tell why you are getting a degree in both of those professions. How the correlate?

Being an intern at Google, elaborate a little bit. Why? What will that help you do?

"My main priority is to focus on keeping my GPA high to be a competitive applicant for scholarships . "
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