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Posts by hopeful4
Name: Yazmin Torres
Joined: Jan 2, 2016
Last Post: Jan 2, 2016
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From: USA
School: Evergreen Valley High School

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Jan 2, 2016
Undergraduate / Stanford Supplement - 7 short answers. Advice/Corrections [2]

1. Name your favorite books, authors, films, and/or artists.

A book that reminds us to appreciate the time we have with those we love- The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.

Rain of Gold and Burro Genius by Victor Villaseńor for exemplifying the importance of connecting to your cultural roots and of overcoming academic barriers, respectively.

Words: 48

2. What newspapers, magazines, and/or websites do you enjoy?

I rely on Khan Academy for late night math challenges. I go to BrainyQuote for inspiring sayings and Facebook for inspiring stories. I use CNN to stay updated on breaking news and YouTube for how-to videos when I want to try something new.

Words: 43

4. How did you spend your last two summers?

Playing high school summer basketball
A family trip to Mexico
Diagnosed, treated, and recovered from thyroid cancer
Lots of time at grandpa's house
Performed eulogy for grandpa's funeral
Volunteered in Argentina
Tutored math at local library
Shadowed chemists at Stanford Mudd Laboratory

Words: 42

5. What were your favorite events (e.g., performances, exhibits, competitions, conferences, etc.) in recent years?

Moulin Rouge in Paris- shocking experience for my 15th birthday
My eleven-year-old sister's mariachi performance- "Viva Mexico!"- made my family proud.
My grandpa's funeral united family and friends in a celebratory and memorable service.
UC Davis Pre-Medical Conference helped solidify my future goals.

Words: 43

6. What historical moment or event do you wish you could have witnessed?

I would like to have been in the Ether Dome at the Massachusetts General Hospital on October 16, 1846 when Dr. Morton used ether gas to help perform the first surgery under anesthesia.

Words: 33

7. What five words best describe you?

Compassionate, curious, driven, honest, humble.
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