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Posts by ardeniyi1986
Name: Adeniyi femi
Joined: Jan 7, 2016
Last Post: Jan 21, 2016
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From: Nigeria
School: University of Lagos

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Jan 21, 2016
Scholarship / Motivation letter on adacemic performance, reason's for applying makes you appropraite for scholarsh [3]

Going through a university in Nigeria can be very challenging academically, financially, emotionally and physically. I am very proud to have graduated from one of Nigeria's foremost universities where I was made to go through the rigors and challenges of obtaining a Bsc degree which has created the pathway to the success I have been able to achieve in my short career.

I graduated with second class degree. During my undergraduate days, I was very punctual in school, did all my assignment and also made sure my responsibility being a class governor was met. I strongly believe in my ability to think outside the box, providing solutions to complex problems be it academically or socio-economic. I had A's mostly in courses that were related to law, developmental growth, poverty eradication, and also in my final year project which had to do with outlining the roles, performance of auditors in financial institution and providing possible solutions to fraud, corruption and under-development in Nigeria. After graduation, I served my country in the one year compulsory national youth service where I thought subjects on Accounting, Economics and commerce in high school.

My major reason for applying to study in Lund University is that it is an international centre for research and education with vast history. Its ability to draw application from all over the world makes it a multi-cultural institution where students can learn new cultures; discuss on national issues ranging from terrorism, religious differences, unemployment, gender discrimination, poverty, insecurity ,under-distribution of natural resources etc are been solved.

Another reason for applying to study in Lund University is that Students in Lund are given excellent opportunities to interact with each other in the aspect of business, entrepreneurship as the city and its people are very warm and friendly to everyone.

I strongly believe that given the opportunity to benefit from the Lund global scholarship will enable me help my developing country(Nigeria) and affect the world at large using the acquired knowledge and experience from my program to proffer possible solutions to the ever present socio-economic problems facing Africa and the world all together. Also, I believe with the help of the scholarship, I will be able to develop myself not just academically, but also socially, mentally and emotionally.

I believe that one day in the near future, I will look back and be very thankful for the opportunity to affect the lives of millions of people all over the world, helping to put laws and policies right, provide jobs just because a was given the rear privilege to have benefited from the Lund global scholarship program.
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