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Posts by alexdr5398
Name: Alexander Dingwall
Joined: Feb 25, 2016
Last Post: Feb 26, 2016
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Feb 25, 2016
Scholarship / 'helping, instructing Kumo Jiu Jitsu and working as a cashier'; Short written question on leadership [4]

I've written this for a scholarship and I'm really not sure if it's good enough. Would love some feedback.

Question: Please describe in detail your most significant leadership role(s) in three activities previously stated. (Do not exceed 250 words)


My most significant leadership roles were peer helping, instructing Kumo Jiu Jitsu and working as a cashier at Wendy's. All three require significant leadership skills, but the one that demands it the most is definitely peer helping. For less than a month now, I have been helping teach a class of second graders, and already I can see that they look up to me as a role model. One student in particular took a liking to me from day one. His name is Armaan and he once said to me that he has the "best seat in the house" because he sits near me and can talk to me easily.

One important part of leadership is being independent. When I come in every day for peer helping, the teacher is often busy with the students, so I need to circle the classroom myself to find something to do. The same goes for instructing martial arts. The main instructor cannot always dedicate enough time to each student, so it is important for me to be able to teach the students self-defence and self-discipline myself.

However, a good leader also needs to know when to ask others for help. While working as a cashier at Wendy's, I have learned that it is important to know when to rely on teammates for help. I have learned from past experiences that it is better to ask someone when you are unsure of something, than to attempt it yourself and have it blow up in your face.

Also, as a side note. How strict do you think the 250 word limit is? Mine ended up being 252 words, which I doubt is a big deal. It's also going to be printed, so I doubt they are going to count each word.
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