Mar 1, 2016
Undergraduate / WELLESLEY 100 essay: A Hugely Ambitious Sisterhood [4]
PROMPT: When choosing a college community, you are choosing a place where you believe that you can live, learn, and flourish. Generations of inspiring women have thrived in the Wellesley community, and we want to know what aspects of this community inspire you to consider Wellesley. We know that there are more than 100 reasons to choose Wellesley, but the ''Wellesley 100'' is a good place to start. Visit and let us know, in two well-developed paragraphs, which two items most attract, inspire, or energize you and why. (p.s. ''Why'' matters to us.)
One of the most admirable aspects of Wellesley College is that hugely ambitious projects are not only encouraged by the institution, but are assisted and funded by Wellesley. Ever since I was a child, I have been told that my dreams are unrealistically ambitious. When I wanted to try out for the softball team in seventh grade despite only having a strong passion and no experience, my parents told me I would never make the team, but I did. When I told my friends that I wanted to read eight novels in a week, they told me that it would be impossible, but I did it. These are some of the more triumphant moments -- I have most likely failed more times than I have succeeded. While these are minuscule ambitions and achievements compared to large-scale research projects or service trips, I realized through these experiences how much easier and motivating it would be to have an encouraging community supporting my goals. As a person who has had countless insane dreams and will have many more in the future, I find the supportive community at Wellesley incredibly attractive and inspiring.
A sisterhood is one of the purest forms of a supportive community. The mere thought of being a part of the Wellesley sisterhood -- being surrounded by powerful, intellectual, compassionate women -- is extremely exciting. I initially entered college longing for a strong sense of community and support, but unfortunately did not find it. I know that at Wellesley I will find what I have eagerly been searching and hoping for. Women having each other's backs is some of the strongest and most important relationships I could have throughout my life. I appreciate how highly Wellesley regards these relationships because in order to truly achieve my goals, whether they be simple and modest or hugely ambitious, I need a community that has my back, as I have theirs. I believe that through this sisterhood, I will not only make lifelong connections, but I will grow immensely as a person and stronger as a woman.
PROMPT: When choosing a college community, you are choosing a place where you believe that you can live, learn, and flourish. Generations of inspiring women have thrived in the Wellesley community, and we want to know what aspects of this community inspire you to consider Wellesley. We know that there are more than 100 reasons to choose Wellesley, but the ''Wellesley 100'' is a good place to start. Visit and let us know, in two well-developed paragraphs, which two items most attract, inspire, or energize you and why. (p.s. ''Why'' matters to us.)
One of the most admirable aspects of Wellesley College is that hugely ambitious projects are not only encouraged by the institution, but are assisted and funded by Wellesley. Ever since I was a child, I have been told that my dreams are unrealistically ambitious. When I wanted to try out for the softball team in seventh grade despite only having a strong passion and no experience, my parents told me I would never make the team, but I did. When I told my friends that I wanted to read eight novels in a week, they told me that it would be impossible, but I did it. These are some of the more triumphant moments -- I have most likely failed more times than I have succeeded. While these are minuscule ambitions and achievements compared to large-scale research projects or service trips, I realized through these experiences how much easier and motivating it would be to have an encouraging community supporting my goals. As a person who has had countless insane dreams and will have many more in the future, I find the supportive community at Wellesley incredibly attractive and inspiring.
A sisterhood is one of the purest forms of a supportive community. The mere thought of being a part of the Wellesley sisterhood -- being surrounded by powerful, intellectual, compassionate women -- is extremely exciting. I initially entered college longing for a strong sense of community and support, but unfortunately did not find it. I know that at Wellesley I will find what I have eagerly been searching and hoping for. Women having each other's backs is some of the strongest and most important relationships I could have throughout my life. I appreciate how highly Wellesley regards these relationships because in order to truly achieve my goals, whether they be simple and modest or hugely ambitious, I need a community that has my back, as I have theirs. I believe that through this sisterhood, I will not only make lifelong connections, but I will grow immensely as a person and stronger as a woman.