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Posts by abigail anderson
Name: khadija
Joined: Mar 11, 2016
Last Post: Mar 13, 2016
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From: Algeria

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abigail anderson   
Mar 12, 2016
Writing Feedback / It is better for children to grow up in big cities rather than in a countryside - more opportunities [3]

Human beings, in their nature, are created different. They think, feel, and act in several ways, each one in his manner. Even their choices of life are unlike and that clearly reflect their distinction. Some people prefer to live in large cities and others enjoy the simplicity of small countries' life. However , nowadays, many people consider that rising their children in a big city is more better than in the countryside for many reasons.

First of all, recently, it is remarkable that high rates of people are moving from their villages to live in big cities where their children would have the opportunity to be connected with others. Large cities, generally, are known for tolerance of diversity, and once children get involved with people who belong to different social groups, they will be more flexible. Living with people who have different way of thinking helps children consider others' variance, know how to treat people who are surrounding them in a respectable way, and be taught going beyond their own selfish needs and sharing in the joy and sorrow of others. Besides being open-minded, children grow up well educated and having an independence of thinking. In contrast, living in small towns limits and restricts the children's improvement.

Furthermore, life in developed countries absolutely opens the window to infants to discover the world they live in. it gives them the chance to be in touch with the latest developments. As well as it is better for children, wherever they live, to be aware of the new achievements and how to use the new technologies at early age because will become more creative and productive. As a result, these children ultimately can contribute in improving the world they live in.

In the other hand, large cities offer many entertainments where children are able to relax. Parents can take their children to theatres, gardens and zoos to enjoy, play and pass time pleasantly. Moreover, many supermarkets and big shops, which cannot be found in small towns, are available in such cities. Then, that fun and amusement help children turn full of energy.

In conclusion, parents had better put their infants in a world that support them to rise more mature, stronger, wiser and more responsible. Big cities provide all the possibilities to children to prosper, be happy and succeed in life.
abigail anderson   
Mar 13, 2016
Scholarship / "You must study hard for your future". KGSP programm self introduction. [4]

Currently I'm living and working in Korea with my family
Since my early years, the question of my future university ...
From my young age, I had strong desire to get high educated person
During my university studies, I served as University Class leader(commas )
I had experiences when I worked as social case worker
to get my master degree in abroad
For this reason, I graduated Mongolian International University ... (comma )
Since 2006, I have been interested Korean language and country a lot. I love this country for many reason,, especially, Korean education system and strategy is very high and qualified

Last almost 7 years, I served "Living spring" NGO for administrative and translator in Korean languages.
At that time, I met my Korean husband.
Now on, I have to take my next station to pursue my destiny. (commas for these 4last sentences)
I believe that I'm ready to present myself
Great work!
you just need to know that after introductory phrases we have to put a comma :) Good luck .
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