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Posts by kjiajing92
Name: jia jing khoo
Joined: Mar 16, 2016
Last Post: Mar 16, 2016
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Mar 16, 2016
Writing Feedback / TOEFL for immigration purpose - to be or not to be independent? [2]

Hi people,

I am taking TOEFL soon for immigration purpose and hoping to improve my writing before that. Please feel free to drop me a comment on my writing. I have limited myself 30 minutes on this practice.

Any help is much appreciated.



Some young adult want independence from their parents as soon as possible. Other young adults prefer to live with their families for a longer time. Which of these situation do you think is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Nowadays, the time frame to independency for young adult becomes a debating topic in the society. Some young adults are eagerly looking forward to their independency from their parents whereas others prefer live at home for longer time. In my opinion, young adults are better off live with their families for a longer period of time and I will explain the reasons in the following paragraphs.

Firstly, it does bring positive impact to the society as one. This is because young adult has limited capability to earn enough stipends to survive. The monetary pressure could potentially lead to crime when they are not able to come out with a solution to ease their situation. For instance, they will work as drug transporter for the financial aid. So, living at home can decrease the money requires for necessity such as rental is not an issue for young adult to worry for.

According to research, they do grow into better person staying with their elders. Undeniable, independence skill is invaluable, however, their maturity could be easily affected without the guidance of their elders. For example, young adult who hang out with rich friends can be getting materialistic due to the constant exposure to luxury goods. Hence, they will be able to get well-rounded development with advice as you go from the experienced elders.

Other than that, their parents need company of their raised child. Some of the individuals are brought up by sole parent, which means their parent will be unavoidably lonely when it is the time for their children to get independence from home. With longer time living at home, young adult can shows their gratitude to ease the loneliness and helpless feelings of their parent.

To put in briefly, young adults should live at home a longer time, which bring benefit in many ways.
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