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Posts by ayesha_b
Name: ayesha
Joined: Mar 29, 2016
Last Post: Mar 29, 2016
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From: Pakistan
School: The spirit school

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Mar 29, 2016
Writing Feedback / A lot of students are moving to the English-speaking countries every year for further studies [2]

Millions of people every year move to English-speaking countries such as Australia, Britain or America

We can see the trend of lot of students moving to English-speaking countries every year for further studies. The countries which have the major intake yearly are Australia, England and America. It is important to establish why they prefer English to be the medium of instruction in their studies, also why this language has attained the status of an international language.

Firstly, talking about the countries whose native language is not English, there it is now used as an official language which is why people over there go for medium of education in English. It helps them in their jobs to communicate with others and to perform their work. Another reason is that the schools, colleges and the universities of these English-speaking countries are top ranked in the world in all areas. People have better and more job opportunities after acquiring degrees from these reputed universities where all the courses are taught in English.

Secondly, coming to its status as an international language, it's the native language of the first world countries and hence the importance. In this era, the developing countries trade with these first world countries to boost their economy and for that they need to communicate in English. Also these countries are dominant in many different fields be it the research or the development area. All the data and material is available in English for people around the globe and that's why people learn English to know of all the advancements happening in the world.

To sum all of the above, the importance of English language cannot be denied and if you want to be successful in your career you need to be well versed with the English language in today's age otherwise you won't be able to reach out to the world with your native non-English.
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