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Posts by herkiki_suko
Name: Herkiki Suko
Joined: May 15, 2016
Last Post: May 15, 2016
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From: Indonesia
School: Diponegoro University

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May 15, 2016
Scholarship / Human Resource Health data in Indonesia [2]

Dear All Seniors,

I was try to submit Prestasi Scholarship, please kindly to check my essay as list below.

1. describe the reason(s) why you chose this area of study.

Human Resources Health (HRH) data in Indonesia still needs to be improved, because the data is essential in planning and recruitment of health workers. Health is an important factor to implement the development agenda suistanable SDG's on 2030, primarily related points good health and well-being. Health isue begins from the strengthening of primary health care facilities. Strengthening primary health care includes three things: physical (infrastructure improvement), Support (revamping facilities), and Human Resources Development (strengthening health workers). Strengthening health workers means to improve both quality and quantity. Improving quality by improving the quality of graduates and conduct competency test for all health professionals and this has been doing in Indonesia. In terms of quantity, by increasing the number of health workers so can fulfill all the primary health care facilities. After further study the actual number of health workers have been adequate. But there's a gap of health workers, that occurred accumulation of health workers in big cities, but there is a shortage of health personnel in the remote area.

Then use ratio in the planning of HRH less appropriate when applied in Indonesia. For that I plan to learn and seek knowledge about HRH because in Indonesia Public Helth that specifically discuss about HRH is still inadequate. I hope to join this PRESTASI I can help the Government, especially the Ministry of Health for better planning and utilization of HRH in Indonesia.

Indonesia is a large country with 1.9 million km2 consists of land and sea. This makes Indonesia has very diverse geographical conditions. Health issues are still an important issue in Indonesia, one of key aspects to improving the health degree in Indonesia is the availability of health workers in health facilities and health worker also capable to promotive and preventive activities. Obstacles faced this Indonesiasaat not the lack of available health workers, but the mal distribution. The accumulation of health workers in the big city (e.g. Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung etc.) but there is a shortage of health workers in remote, border and island areas. The Government through the Ministry of Health has been working to assist in the deployment / distribution of a health worker, but it turns out that power has been placed does not have a retention that often occurs puskesmas as the first health facilities (primary) without doctor. Planning and managing HRH is interesting to study, it's a capture health aspect from humanities side and psychology side but do not forget the economic aspects related to financing the health program.

Health topics is always interesting to be studied and researched. During this time the health degrees in Indonesia continues to grow, but it is inevitable that the curative and rehabilitative factors have a greater portion of attention. Focus policy of the Ministry of Health (MoH) for the period 2015-2019 was the strengthening of Health Services (Yankes) Primer. Priority is based on the immediate health issues such as maternal and infant mortality rates are still high, malnutrition, as well as life expectancy is largely determined by the quality of primary health care. Strengthening of Primary Health Care is the frontline in the public health service function is to provide health services and perform preventive efforts through health education, counseling and screening. Preventive and promotive efforts have a wide impact,

healthy habits such as exercise stop smoking, keep track diet will do the degenerative disease can be suppressed. Preventive and promotive efforts aimed at securing public health. Therefore, I am keen to take on research in public health field.

With public awareness of protecting the environment, so a contagious disease can be reduced. So the burden in the financing of healthcare can be allocated for infrastructure development which still is in need in Indonesia.
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