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Posts by akurniawan
Name: Aditya Kurniawan
Joined: May 29, 2016
Last Post: Aug 21, 2016
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From: Indonesia
School: University of Edinburgh

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Aug 21, 2016
Scholarship / Becoming either Data Scientist or Machine Learning Software Engineer. Career Plan for Chevening [3]

Hi all, this is an essay that I wrote for chevening scholarship program. I'm still not really confident with this essay. Any feedbacks and inputs are welcomed. Thanks in advance!

Please outline your immediate plans upon returning home and your longer term career goals. You may wish to consider how these relate to what the UK government is doing in your country. (minimum word count: 50 words, maximum word count: 500 words)

Considering the growth of the technologies that most of the indonesians still lacking, having an excellent understanding about technology is by far one of the critical instruments in Indonesia, especially in the era of Big Data which other countries in the world has already been taking an advantage of. Using Artificial Intelligence technique, Machine Learning to be precise, as the medium to help humans extracts, analyzes, getting an insight and turn the obscured data to be something beneficial. For a long time, it has been my dream to be involved in the development of Technology in Indonesia and make Indonesia greater with technology. However, the lack of knowledge and experience prior to the field of Artificial Intelligence is the one that prevent me to achieve my dream. Thus, leading me towards taking further study in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

With that in mind, my first step after graduation will be to seek employment as either Data Scientist or Machine Learning Software Engineer in Google. As one of the leading company in technology, and also one of the most renowned company in the field of Artificial Intelligence will help me to sharpening my knowledge by working with some of the greatest minds in the world, giving me an advantage to broaden my network with experts in this field, and it also aligns with my end-career goal of being an expert in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

"In order to become an expert, learn from the expert", is one of many quotes that I appreciate the most. After 5 years digging more in industry, I will continue my degree as a doctoral candidate, from which I will gain more deep knowledge in the field that I pursue. With all the knowledge experience that I have been put together, I see myself becoming an expert in the field of Artificial Intelligence for which I can help my country to catch up from what we left in technology. In addition to my work, I also intend to becoming a lecturer to help students in Indonesia more aware and more excited in this field, which also could beneficial to my country as it will boost our local talents.

In essence, while becoming either Data Scientist or Machine Learning Software Engineer for a big company like Google, getting admitted as doctoral candidate and help students to reach out their potential will be very competitive, I believe there will be a way as long as we believe things that we do is right. With my invaluable experience in the UK, I am convinced that I am able to distinguish myself from the others and making an impact to Indonesia's development in technology. I understand obstacles has been waiting for my journey ahead, but as my family taught me since I was a little kid, obstacles are here only to make us stronger, not to weaken us.
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