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Posts by raditandinia
Name: Radita Andinia Utami
Joined: Jul 5, 2016
Last Post: Jul 5, 2016
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Jul 5, 2016
Writing Feedback / People tend to buy some goods which are not essential for them, even being short of money. IELTS2 [3]

Some people get into debt by buying things they don't need and can't afford. What are the reasons for this behaviour?
What action can be taken to prevent people from having this problem?

The majority of people tend to buy some goods which are not essential while they do not have a capability to purchase it, as a result, they have to face a debt. From my point of view, this bad behaviour has a correlation with people's childhood period. Besides, they can attempt to restrict using a credit card in order to cure the bad shopping habit and minimize the impact.

To begin, the first reason behind the issue is adult's behaviour is the impact of treats which were given in their young ages. This is because children circumstances is the most potential period, they have a good memory and able to absorb any kind of informations. Secondly, when there were some necessity that can not be fulfil when they are child, it is possible to affect their behaviour in the future. Similar with human bad habit (shopaholic), for example, there was a possibility that happened with their childhood memories when parents did not allowed them to choose and buy what they want as a child. As a consequence, the unsatified willingness will be a trigger that should be obtain when they are adult.

Despite that, technology has a part to support this unorganize shopping habit, one of them is credit card. It is irrefutable that most people get assisted by credit card existance. However, some of them can not control the way to use it wisely. Restrict the opportunity to using credit card is the easiest way to reduce the high intensity of shopping and replaced with cash money to control the amount of purchasing. Taking my friend experience as an example, she decided to bring some cash money rather than used modern technological payment. As a result, she was made a deeper consideration before decided to buy a good.

To sum up, shopping behaviour disorder can be caused by a bad experience that people gain when they were young and it gives an impact for their attitude in the future. The most possible solution to solve this problem is avoiding to use more than one credit card in order to decreasing the quantity of consumerism.
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