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Posts by benvb1234
Name: Ben Valdebenito
Joined: Oct 20, 2016
Last Post: Oct 20, 2016
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From: US
School: Eastlake high School

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Oct 20, 2016

I eagerly jumped out of the trollies not being able to contain my emotion. I was finally here in the place where dreams come true. I was at Disney World in Orlando Florida, the place where very 5th graders wishes they could go. I had been waiting for this day for as long as I could remember. I pulled on my parent's sleeves to get them to walk faster towards the entrance into happiness. While an instrumental cover of "Under the Sea" from the Little Mermaid played over the speakers we gave the lady with the mickey mouse ears our tickets to scan and we were off to have the times of our lives. Wow, this was the place that Walt Disney created. He had been my guide to be, since the day that a special speaker went into my 2nd grade classroom to talk to us about what Entrepreneur do. I was standing under his statue holding onto Mickey Mouse's hand when I suddenly hear, "So you want to meet Walt Disney? Then follow me." from a person dressed as Mickey Mouse as he walked away. I had to make a quick decision whether as to if I was going to follow him or stay here and possibly regret my decision forever. So of course I followed. Mickey handed me a Blue card with the whole Disney gang on the back and with the words "Free Ticket" with a small print that said "Dream away!". I hadn't seen anything cooler. I walked up to the empty train that would lead me to Walt Disney (Or so Mickey says) and took a seat. The train ride first started off slowly but as we went it got faster and faster up to a point where it was going so fast that I was beginning to get scared I started screaming. As quickly as we started to speed up we began to slow down. I got down from the train and ran back towards the direction where I had last seen my parents. What was I thinking? Following a guy dressed up in a silly mouse costume. There wasn't anyone around as I made my way to the Castle. Had this crazy guy taken me somewhere else? There was a gentleman near the entrance and I ran towards him to ask for help finding my parents. I tapped his shoulder and began talking away about what had happened and that I needed help when something made me stop. I knew this guy. This was THE WALT DISNEY. So maybe Mickey wasn't trying to kidnap me after all. I started talking faster than what I should have but all the excitement got to me. "Ok Ben, let's calm down a bit. I know you probably have a lot of questions but your time here with me is limited and there is something that I want to talk to you about. All of this that you see here, came from something that I created up in here." He said as he pointed to his head. "I know you have a lot of ideas of things you want to do that will end up helping lots of people, but I want you to keep one thing in mind, you'll fail more times than you can imagine, but you have to keep on working towards your dreams. If you can dream it, you can do it." And just like that he turned around and walked away. Before I could call back to him the ground started shaking and everything turned dark and I was suddenly back in front of the statue of Walt and mickey Mouse. I felt a hand on my shoulder and it was my parents telling me that I just can't run around away from them since who knows what could happen. But I knew what could happen. I could be taken back in time and meet Walt Disney and learn an important lesson. That anything is possible by dreaming and not giving up. If I want something I have to give it all I have and then even more. That's when I felt an even greater need to go to an excellent college and pursue a business degree to get closer to reaching my particular dreams.
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