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Posts by fordreamschool
Joined: Nov 8, 2017
Last Post: Nov 15, 2017
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Nov 15, 2017
Graduate / Challenges you faced, and the strengths you brought from contacting someone with different beliefs [3]

Thanks for your suggestion! Actually a story about how i deal with the relationship between a vegetarian friend came to me. But, someone in favor of this first version told me my new story isn't a suitable choice because this one is just about different life style, and, more importantly, expose my narrow mind to the difference.

Eating with X, the student in our reading club, was a torture every time I saw him look through the menu, with eyebrows frowned, and carefully taste food as if they were poisonous. From my life experience, I couldn't understand why eating can be such a big problem for someone. He was more than a vegetarian. Actually, he didn't eat many kinds of vegetables, soy food and dairy products neither.

I had no idea to deal with our difference, so I began to refuse X's invitation to have a meal. But my unilateral escape may develop into a serious barrier in our relationship, since he possibly realized my estrangement. So struggling back and forth, I decided to frankly tell him my feeling. He was so surprised, "I never think it could be a problem." Finally I knew the story behind: in his childhood, when he was curious about where those animals in the yards finally went and asked his parents, they pointed at the dish saying "Here they are". "I feel so guilty. Moment ago I saw them alive, but then we kill and eat them!" From then on, he swore not to eat meat any more. "As for my peculiarity to food, I just can't control my fear of trying new food". This time, I was not astonished by his behavior itself, but by a boy's compassion and confirmed belief. Most importantly, his family supported and encouraged him rather than compelled him to follow the so-called correct life style and perspective with which most people agree. Thus, in such a tolerant environment, X didn't regard his difference as an obstacle in social relationship. On the contrary, under the impact of narrow-minded culture, which stresses the similarity but usually overlooks diversity, I rushed to define someone as weirdo and instinctively alienated him only because his behavior deviated from the mainstream.

Through this intimate conversation and thorough understanding, our relationship became closer. Later, each time we had a meal, I carefully selected restaurants, introduced each dish to him, and encouraged him to try some different food, except meat, to find which one he could accept. He sincerely appreciated my understanding and thoughtful consideration to help him conquer fear and shape a healthier habit.

Thanks to X, I not only learn to accept the different life-styles between us, more importantly, I realize that a culture with tolerance and respect to diversity shapes an open mind towards difference among people. Next time, I will understand, accept and then equally treat the others' different behaviors and viewpoints. And I strongly believe that agree to disagree is needed everywhere, no matter in my life, study, or future career. People may be mutually attracted by common interests, perspectives and backgrounds, but embrace the diversity can break the ice and then build a tight connection between each other.
Nov 14, 2017
Graduate / Challenges you faced, and the strengths you brought from contacting someone with different beliefs [3]

Hi everyone,

I'm applying the MS in accounting program of UVA. Actually after I finished the essay, I began to question my selection of story. I really need your help and advice! Thanks a lot!

Essay for MS Accounting at UVA

Please describe a situation where you needed to collaborate or closely communicate with someone whose life perspective or cultural background was very different from your own. Please reflect on any challenges you faced, the strengths you brought to the situation, and areas for improvement. Please indicate what you learned about yourself and what you would do differently next time (500 word limit).

"Oh, please! Now it's 2017 but we still have to learn the manual bookkeeping!" Obviously, all of us were shocked by seeing a pile of blank accounting books on the table, which indicated that we needed to work together for our Accounting Simulation Training assignment. It required us to simulate the operation of a finance department, practice bookkeeping and hand in annual financial statements under a series of business transactions.

Yes, the manual practice was undoubtedly out of fashion. But as the team leader, I kept a positive attitude and expressed my view to my members: this course gave us a chance to put what we have learned before into practice. We could directly understand the operation process of receipt delivery like that in the real transactions and master how to prepare vouchers, accounting books as well as financial statements. So, if we divided the accounting period into six stages and applied the work shift mode, everyone could adapt to different roles, enhance practical skills and experience the internal cooperation in finance department. In this way, all of us would know more clear about the definite duties of the specific position, which was beneficial for our future career. However, one member strongly disagreed with me: "Maybe you're right, but it's unnecessary. Fixing our position is a very wise choice because being skilled in one part would not only improve the whole working efficiency, but also, more importantly, guarantee the accuracy of the outcome that is crucial to the score in this course!"

"The result doesn't mean everything! What we experience and gain from the whole process was meaningful, too!" I did not really want to compromise. To break the deadlock, another member suggested to analyze some influential factors in this task. We then found that the main constraint was time. We had to finish our job in four weeks, but a three-hour class per week was not enough. Thus, we must took our spare time to do the work together when everyone was available. Exactly, fulfilling my plan was at the price of time, since additional time would be spent on work transition and getting familiar with new positions, possibly leading to additional workload, or even worse, missing deadline. Therefore, the second method was reasonable in this situation.

Finally, I changed my strategy without any unwillingness. In fact, I was happy since through the argument my stereotype of outcome-oriented style collapsed. I used to blindly see its utilitarian side, but overlooked its rationality. However, it is appropriate or not rather than only black and white that I should think about. A bigoted leader is a disaster for a group, only openness to other's opinion allows a border perspective for problem solving, especially assisting in making the most favorable decisions based on the practical situations.
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