Jan 18, 2018
Research Papers / The Increase in Bullying leading to Suicide [2]
Recent studies have shown that the increase in suicide is correlated to being bullied. Bullying affects people on an emotional, physical, and mental level. Suicide has increased due to people being bullied by their own peers and those around them. Studies show that children who are involved in bullying think about suicide more than someone who isn't involved with bullying.(Holt, 1). Bullying can be a physical or an emotional act, usually between two people. The bullier uses words, threats, or physical acts against their victim. Through extensive research, more in depth knowledge has led many people to understand and recognize who and what is a bully. Schools, staff, and parents are more aware than ever before about bullying and how it can affect their student or child long term. However, children aren't always sure how to approach or deal with bullying and often leads them to feeling depressed. It makes the difference when bullying is noticed and understood, it creates more of an open door conversation and awareness for everyone involved.
During research, when asked if a student has been bullied, there was a stronger connection between accepting you are being bullied and suicidal thoughts (Holt 1). Many students or people in general have a hard time admitting they are being bullied and would rather think they are being "teased." Not fully accepting you are being bullied creates a wall of comfort between you and the truth. Even when someone is the victim in a situation, nobody likes to want to believe they are feeling helpless. Downplaying a painful situation leaves room for a victim to feel not as invisible and approaches what is happening as "not as a big deal." However, the reality is bullying does cause such crucial pain that is pathing the world to an epedemic of deaths because of it.
Bullying is becoming a leading cause of death in our society in this day and age. "Cited in a journal, patients being under 18 years old showed when comparing age, gender, abuse, diagnosis, having a history of being bullied was the most common reason for suicide" (Alavi, 2017). Which means bullying is occuring between the most influential points in a child's life, starting at a very young age to teenage years. This information is shocking, since suicide is beating the odds of many other factors when comparing death in that specific age range. The age range also signifies that bullying is happening in a school setting. Since most bullying occurs at school, students are more likely to stay at home from school. "According to statistics, 160,000 students stay home every year due to the fear of bullying" (Bullying Statistics 2017). Isolating yourself only adds to the victim feeling more depressed and alone. They have not only tried to escape the bullier, but the pain has been taken so far, the victim would rather avoid school all together. Avoiding the bullier is tremendously a lot easier when the bullier can't see or be near their victim. Depression develops more and more when the child has no escape, whether that is mentally or physically.
However, this doesn't mean someone still can't be bullied from afar. Bullying can still happen between closed doors through texting, phone calls, chat rooms or social media. Bullying has so many poisons, allowing the bullier to target the victim from multiple angles. Since there are many ways to bully someone it is harder to track the different forms of bullying. In addition it is rather difficult to catch or stop bullying before it is too late.
Bullying more than often occurs in the early ages of a child's life. According to research, many students experience and remember being bullied as little as 6 years old (Crist, 3). It is sometimes a surprise to parents or a school that bullying can happen at such a young age. Although there are different types of bullying, it still can be as traumatizing for a young child compared to a teenager. "Studies show that 21% of students were "highly-victimized" in Kindergarten, while 38% experienced being bullied moderately" (Crist, 2). Being "high-victimized" can be anything from a large group of people bullying to physical abuse. While as being bullied "moderately" can range from calling someone a hurtful name or leaving them out of a game. Either way, no matter what kind of bullying is happening, it is still crucial to how the victim develops in school and socially as well.
Bullying has long term effects and can damage someone's life when trying to develop relationships or trusting others. However, the effects of bullying does change over the course of someone's life, leaving room for healing. "During research, studies show the victim became less of a victim as they became older, but victims who weren't bullied at a young age began to rather experience being bullied in middle school" (Crist, 3). Since bullying does take place in a school setting most of the time, schools have become more aware of their environment and looking for signs of a bully.
Anti-bullying programs in schools could prevent bullying in a plethora of ways. Many schools could decrease bullying by implanting programs that are designed against bullying, which benefit the children not only emotionally, but academically as well. "According to education researcher Johnathon Nakamoto who believes parents and teachers should create safe spaces for students to talk about emotions and bullying" (Crist,2). If there is more light on the topic, it is known to not only the bullier and victim that bullying is not acceptable and no secret either.
However to every exposure of a topic there is a downfall. Parents and teachers struggle with accepting whether there is a bullying issue, either their child or student is the bully or being bullied. Bullying has been happening for decades, but each year it becomes more and more serious. "During a Arizona State Psychologist research, it was discovered allowing parents or teachers to use the excuse that "boys will be boys" and "girls will be girls" will not help see the under line issue of a student being left out" (Crist, 2). Teachers at times may have a nonchalant opinion about bullying and most like to believe if there was bullying in their classroom, they would be aware of it.
When thinking about how bullying is looked at from a teachers standpoint, a more common reaction is the teacher would be utterly against the act and would step in if necessary. Although the bully is not always another student, but at times can be the teacher. "Studies conducted that when a teacher is a bully, it is never actually called "bullying," but reinforcement, it is difficult to identify the particular behavior with a teacher" (Great Schools 2017). Since the teacher is a higher authority role, many times people don't feel the term "bullying" is the correct word, because they are an adult and are suppose to be a positive leader. There is a thin line between being a teacher within their guidelines than being a negative reinforcer who causes emotional or physical pain on a student. "A teacher responded to the Great Schools article and openly admitted he treated his students horribly and bullied them, but it wasn't till later in life he realized he was an actual bully" (Great Schools 2017). Often times looking back on life and reflecting on your actions, it is sometimes later where you see things more clearer. It teaches society that bullying is a common act amongst anyone, and there are certain patterns to recognize to understand if someone is being bullied or not. Therefore it is extremely vital to understand when bullying is taking place, especially when the person is only a child and can't exactly fathom what to do.
Parents should be able to recognize the warning signs of a child being bullied. Not all victims of bullying will ask for help. "Statistics show that an adult learned about a bullying incident only 40% of the time, most children do not report a bullying problem" (Stop Bullying). Many children think telling an adult about being bullied can make matters only worse for the victim. They fear their bullier might become even worse and ultimately they are embarrassed it is happening to them. However, because a victim stays quiet during such a hard time, there are still ways to tell if someone is being bullied. "According to evidence, warning signs of victims are unexplainable injuries, torn clothing or lost items, nightmares, sudden loss of friends, and a decline in school grades" (Stop Bullying) . There are also warning signs of when a child is the actual bully.
Society often looks for the person who is being bullied, but not enough attention to the actual inflictor. It is even more so importation to identify who the bully is than the victim, because than the bullying wouldn't exist. "Research shows, a child can be a bully if the child has bully friends, gets into verbal or physical fights, or blames others for their problem" (Stop Bullying). The bullier is also suffering from some type of pain or insecurity, often times a bullier has very deep angry or confusing emotions. They are unsure of how to deal with the way they feel and can often times feel like a reliever to take it out on someone else. "Being bullied and the bully can both feel helpless and judged by their peers as well."(Stop Bullying) It is important to understand both sides and why it is happening in general. The bullier himself or herself needs just as much attention and care as the victim. Hurting someone else comes from a place not many understand, but a stance that needs to be taken to help him or her. Many times a bully becomes the way they are because of what is happening within their personal lives.
Preventing your child to becoming a bully often begins at home. Recognizing behavior and personality traits within the child correlates to how they treat others." Many children bully because they struggle with coping with anger, frustration or doubt" (Kids Health). Family life can truly affect a child in negative ways, which can be shocking to the bully's parents when they find out their child is a bully. Being involved with your child is a good way to understand your who your child may be in different environments. "Research shows, enforcing positive behavior at home and learning about your child's social life decreases the likelihood of your child becoming a bully" (Kids Health 1)
Having a conversation about bullying before it even occurs is a positive topic between parents and their child. When a bullier knows their parents are fully aware of what bullying is, it decreases the chances of them bullying. Often times, children think their parents don't see through the "darkness" of a situation, but making your child aware is what will possibly have them think twice. Parents sometimes forget children mimic or observe behavior at home, and adapt to their environment fairly quickly. "Studies observed how parents talk around their children influences the child and are more likely to follow by example" (Kids Health 1). If your child notices harsher tones, or sees a parent treating another parent negatively, he or she often will think that is acceptable.
Negatively can create resentment or anger, and if the child doesn't have a positive outlet or someone to talk to, he or she often resorts to causing pain onto others. "It is common for a family to go through struggles and it is beneficial to reach out to a counselor or an outside resources to help with the children's coping behavior" (Kids Health 3). Bullying comes from a darker place than many parents or people in general realize.
The most important facts about bullying is to understand when it is happening and why it taking place. Understanding the environment, warning signs, and the consequences of bullying can decrease victims to commiting suicide. Having open conversations about bullying is what will create more awareness for students, teachers, and parents. Noticing what bullying is makes bullying not a hidden, unknown topic, but rather a knowledgeable one. There are signs to bullying, we just have to take a second look or observe more. Society as a whole as to realize how impactful bullying is and how it many times leads to death.
Works Cited
Melissa Holt Assistant Professor, Counseling Psychology, Boston University. "Understanding the link between bullying and suicide."
"Figure 2f from: Irimia R, Gottschling M (2016) Taxonomic revision of Rochefortia Sw. (Ehretiaceae, Boraginales). Biodiversity Data Journal 4:" Relationship between Bullying and Suicidal Behaviour in Youth presenting to the Emergency Department
"Bullying and Suicide." Bullying Statistics
"School bullying linked to poorer academic achievement." Reuters, Thomson Reuters
Kelmon Print article, Jessica. "When the teacher is the bully." Parenting
"Warning Signs for Bullying."
"Teaching Kids Not to Bully." Edited by D'Arcy Lyness, KidsHealth, The Nemours Foundation
Please let me know if the below are accurate or if you other opinions. Thank you!!
1.The first area where I think my paper can better is more stats or facts. I feel there might be too many opinions, but to me they are more facts.
2. Secondly, I am confused on the MLA citing as many of my resources dont provide a lot of information on author, etc.
3.Thirdly, I could gather more research besides the web, which allows my paper to seem more diverse.
The Increase in Bullying and its consequences
Recent studies have shown that the increase in suicide is correlated to being bullied. Bullying affects people on an emotional, physical, and mental level. Suicide has increased due to people being bullied by their own peers and those around them. Studies show that children who are involved in bullying think about suicide more than someone who isn't involved with bullying.(Holt, 1). Bullying can be a physical or an emotional act, usually between two people. The bullier uses words, threats, or physical acts against their victim. Through extensive research, more in depth knowledge has led many people to understand and recognize who and what is a bully. Schools, staff, and parents are more aware than ever before about bullying and how it can affect their student or child long term. However, children aren't always sure how to approach or deal with bullying and often leads them to feeling depressed. It makes the difference when bullying is noticed and understood, it creates more of an open door conversation and awareness for everyone involved.
During research, when asked if a student has been bullied, there was a stronger connection between accepting you are being bullied and suicidal thoughts (Holt 1). Many students or people in general have a hard time admitting they are being bullied and would rather think they are being "teased." Not fully accepting you are being bullied creates a wall of comfort between you and the truth. Even when someone is the victim in a situation, nobody likes to want to believe they are feeling helpless. Downplaying a painful situation leaves room for a victim to feel not as invisible and approaches what is happening as "not as a big deal." However, the reality is bullying does cause such crucial pain that is pathing the world to an epedemic of deaths because of it.
Bullying is becoming a leading cause of death in our society in this day and age. "Cited in a journal, patients being under 18 years old showed when comparing age, gender, abuse, diagnosis, having a history of being bullied was the most common reason for suicide" (Alavi, 2017). Which means bullying is occuring between the most influential points in a child's life, starting at a very young age to teenage years. This information is shocking, since suicide is beating the odds of many other factors when comparing death in that specific age range. The age range also signifies that bullying is happening in a school setting. Since most bullying occurs at school, students are more likely to stay at home from school. "According to statistics, 160,000 students stay home every year due to the fear of bullying" (Bullying Statistics 2017). Isolating yourself only adds to the victim feeling more depressed and alone. They have not only tried to escape the bullier, but the pain has been taken so far, the victim would rather avoid school all together. Avoiding the bullier is tremendously a lot easier when the bullier can't see or be near their victim. Depression develops more and more when the child has no escape, whether that is mentally or physically.
However, this doesn't mean someone still can't be bullied from afar. Bullying can still happen between closed doors through texting, phone calls, chat rooms or social media. Bullying has so many poisons, allowing the bullier to target the victim from multiple angles. Since there are many ways to bully someone it is harder to track the different forms of bullying. In addition it is rather difficult to catch or stop bullying before it is too late.
Bullying more than often occurs in the early ages of a child's life. According to research, many students experience and remember being bullied as little as 6 years old (Crist, 3). It is sometimes a surprise to parents or a school that bullying can happen at such a young age. Although there are different types of bullying, it still can be as traumatizing for a young child compared to a teenager. "Studies show that 21% of students were "highly-victimized" in Kindergarten, while 38% experienced being bullied moderately" (Crist, 2). Being "high-victimized" can be anything from a large group of people bullying to physical abuse. While as being bullied "moderately" can range from calling someone a hurtful name or leaving them out of a game. Either way, no matter what kind of bullying is happening, it is still crucial to how the victim develops in school and socially as well.
Bullying has long term effects and can damage someone's life when trying to develop relationships or trusting others. However, the effects of bullying does change over the course of someone's life, leaving room for healing. "During research, studies show the victim became less of a victim as they became older, but victims who weren't bullied at a young age began to rather experience being bullied in middle school" (Crist, 3). Since bullying does take place in a school setting most of the time, schools have become more aware of their environment and looking for signs of a bully.
Anti-bullying programs in schools could prevent bullying in a plethora of ways. Many schools could decrease bullying by implanting programs that are designed against bullying, which benefit the children not only emotionally, but academically as well. "According to education researcher Johnathon Nakamoto who believes parents and teachers should create safe spaces for students to talk about emotions and bullying" (Crist,2). If there is more light on the topic, it is known to not only the bullier and victim that bullying is not acceptable and no secret either.
However to every exposure of a topic there is a downfall. Parents and teachers struggle with accepting whether there is a bullying issue, either their child or student is the bully or being bullied. Bullying has been happening for decades, but each year it becomes more and more serious. "During a Arizona State Psychologist research, it was discovered allowing parents or teachers to use the excuse that "boys will be boys" and "girls will be girls" will not help see the under line issue of a student being left out" (Crist, 2). Teachers at times may have a nonchalant opinion about bullying and most like to believe if there was bullying in their classroom, they would be aware of it.
When thinking about how bullying is looked at from a teachers standpoint, a more common reaction is the teacher would be utterly against the act and would step in if necessary. Although the bully is not always another student, but at times can be the teacher. "Studies conducted that when a teacher is a bully, it is never actually called "bullying," but reinforcement, it is difficult to identify the particular behavior with a teacher" (Great Schools 2017). Since the teacher is a higher authority role, many times people don't feel the term "bullying" is the correct word, because they are an adult and are suppose to be a positive leader. There is a thin line between being a teacher within their guidelines than being a negative reinforcer who causes emotional or physical pain on a student. "A teacher responded to the Great Schools article and openly admitted he treated his students horribly and bullied them, but it wasn't till later in life he realized he was an actual bully" (Great Schools 2017). Often times looking back on life and reflecting on your actions, it is sometimes later where you see things more clearer. It teaches society that bullying is a common act amongst anyone, and there are certain patterns to recognize to understand if someone is being bullied or not. Therefore it is extremely vital to understand when bullying is taking place, especially when the person is only a child and can't exactly fathom what to do.
Parents should be able to recognize the warning signs of a child being bullied. Not all victims of bullying will ask for help. "Statistics show that an adult learned about a bullying incident only 40% of the time, most children do not report a bullying problem" (Stop Bullying). Many children think telling an adult about being bullied can make matters only worse for the victim. They fear their bullier might become even worse and ultimately they are embarrassed it is happening to them. However, because a victim stays quiet during such a hard time, there are still ways to tell if someone is being bullied. "According to evidence, warning signs of victims are unexplainable injuries, torn clothing or lost items, nightmares, sudden loss of friends, and a decline in school grades" (Stop Bullying) . There are also warning signs of when a child is the actual bully.
Society often looks for the person who is being bullied, but not enough attention to the actual inflictor. It is even more so importation to identify who the bully is than the victim, because than the bullying wouldn't exist. "Research shows, a child can be a bully if the child has bully friends, gets into verbal or physical fights, or blames others for their problem" (Stop Bullying). The bullier is also suffering from some type of pain or insecurity, often times a bullier has very deep angry or confusing emotions. They are unsure of how to deal with the way they feel and can often times feel like a reliever to take it out on someone else. "Being bullied and the bully can both feel helpless and judged by their peers as well."(Stop Bullying) It is important to understand both sides and why it is happening in general. The bullier himself or herself needs just as much attention and care as the victim. Hurting someone else comes from a place not many understand, but a stance that needs to be taken to help him or her. Many times a bully becomes the way they are because of what is happening within their personal lives.
Preventing your child to becoming a bully often begins at home. Recognizing behavior and personality traits within the child correlates to how they treat others." Many children bully because they struggle with coping with anger, frustration or doubt" (Kids Health). Family life can truly affect a child in negative ways, which can be shocking to the bully's parents when they find out their child is a bully. Being involved with your child is a good way to understand your who your child may be in different environments. "Research shows, enforcing positive behavior at home and learning about your child's social life decreases the likelihood of your child becoming a bully" (Kids Health 1)
Having a conversation about bullying before it even occurs is a positive topic between parents and their child. When a bullier knows their parents are fully aware of what bullying is, it decreases the chances of them bullying. Often times, children think their parents don't see through the "darkness" of a situation, but making your child aware is what will possibly have them think twice. Parents sometimes forget children mimic or observe behavior at home, and adapt to their environment fairly quickly. "Studies observed how parents talk around their children influences the child and are more likely to follow by example" (Kids Health 1). If your child notices harsher tones, or sees a parent treating another parent negatively, he or she often will think that is acceptable.
Negatively can create resentment or anger, and if the child doesn't have a positive outlet or someone to talk to, he or she often resorts to causing pain onto others. "It is common for a family to go through struggles and it is beneficial to reach out to a counselor or an outside resources to help with the children's coping behavior" (Kids Health 3). Bullying comes from a darker place than many parents or people in general realize.
The most important facts about bullying is to understand when it is happening and why it taking place. Understanding the environment, warning signs, and the consequences of bullying can decrease victims to commiting suicide. Having open conversations about bullying is what will create more awareness for students, teachers, and parents. Noticing what bullying is makes bullying not a hidden, unknown topic, but rather a knowledgeable one. There are signs to bullying, we just have to take a second look or observe more. Society as a whole as to realize how impactful bullying is and how it many times leads to death.
Works Cited
Melissa Holt Assistant Professor, Counseling Psychology, Boston University. "Understanding the link between bullying and suicide."
"Figure 2f from: Irimia R, Gottschling M (2016) Taxonomic revision of Rochefortia Sw. (Ehretiaceae, Boraginales). Biodiversity Data Journal 4:" Relationship between Bullying and Suicidal Behaviour in Youth presenting to the Emergency Department
"Bullying and Suicide." Bullying Statistics
"School bullying linked to poorer academic achievement." Reuters, Thomson Reuters
Kelmon Print article, Jessica. "When the teacher is the bully." Parenting
"Warning Signs for Bullying."
"Teaching Kids Not to Bully." Edited by D'Arcy Lyness, KidsHealth, The Nemours Foundation
Please let me know if the below are accurate or if you other opinions. Thank you!!
1.The first area where I think my paper can better is more stats or facts. I feel there might be too many opinions, but to me they are more facts.
2. Secondly, I am confused on the MLA citing as many of my resources dont provide a lot of information on author, etc.
3.Thirdly, I could gather more research besides the web, which allows my paper to seem more diverse.