Nov 30, 2009
Undergraduate / My friend became involved wiht local drug trafficking;TRANSFER - UC, psychology major [4]
My interest in the field of psychologybegan in my sophomore year of high school. I had always been the brand of kid that would listen to the problems of my peers and give them advice, leaving out as much bias as humanly possible.has its root in my sophomore year of high school when I accidentally found thatI had become aware that a dear friend of mine hadbecomewas involved in local drug trafficking. With this knowledge, I confronted said friend in orderI tried to persuade him to swerve off the road he had chosen. Due to our friendship spanning eight years at this point, I expected him to listen unconditionally to what I had to say. Being a naïve sixteen year old, I had no idea what I was immersing myself into and soon after I found myself receiving confrontational letters by way of the internet . My parents caught wind of the situation and I was swiftly taken out of my public high school and placed on independent study for the few remaining months of my sophomore year.
It's a good essay as a whole but has some avoidable mistakes like During this time,Imyclose friend and coworker of minea bit confusing, one person or two? passed away in a car accident.
My interest in the field of psychology
It's a good essay as a whole but has some avoidable mistakes like During this time,