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"The American Way of Life" - it is at jeopardy currently [2]
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Watch Out!
"Watch Out?! What do you mean by that?"
"Your jobs are being taken away!"
"How is that?"
The American way of life is at jeopardy. American jobs are being threatened by globalization; in fact the amount of good jobs is diminishing at an alarming rate. But we as Americans can and must do something if we are to stay successful in this competitive world.
What is globalization anyway? Many authorities have described it, but what does this term really mean? Globalization is the interconnectedness of the entire world: no matter what place we are located on the globe, we can connect to each other in a matter of seconds. In most cases globalization is defined as economic globalization. Jagdish N. Bhagwati elaborates, "Economic globalization constitutes integration of national economies into the international economy through trade, direct foreign investment (by corporations and multinationals), short term capital flows, international flow of workers and humanity generally, and flows of technology" (3).
As a result of this connection, many lower-level countries have emerged as growing markets for entrepreneurs. These entrepreneurs have opened up a whole new level of business strategies - outsourcing and offshoring. Mr. Phil B. asserts that a lot of American companies have transferred their manufacturing outside of America because of cost efficiency. "Furthermore," he states, "Service and technical jobs are currently undergoing a large exodus to foreign labor too. This is now called outsourcing and offshoring." Sharon P. Brown and Lewis B. Siegel give a concrete definition of these two terms:
Outsourcing is the movement of work that was formerly conducted in-house by employees paid directly by a company to a different company. The different company can be located inside or outside of the United States. The work can occur at a different geographic location or remain onsite.
Offshoring is the movement of work from within the United States to locations outside of the United States. "Offshoring" can occur within the same company and involve movement of work to a different location of that company outside of the United States, or to a different company altogether (Offshoring/outsourcing). (5)
But why would our companies do such a thing? The fact is many rising countries with a lot of human brainpower potential like India, China, and Russia have recently emerged as rivals to the American corporations. In order to stay competitive, many companies have done extensive research and found astounding facts. A computer engineer in India can receive at least twice as less salary than a respective American performing the same function, which means that they will hire 100 Indians who will do the job of only 50 or even less Americans. As a result, the 50 American engineers are laid off from their company, and their way of life is seriously altered.
So why should we watch out? As was mentioned earlier, an increasing amount of job positions are being outsourced by local American corporations to foreign countries. As these job positions diminish, scores of American citizens are laid off. Researchers from the Cornell University claim that 9%-11% of extended layoffs involve outsourcing (CRS-10). Stephanie Luce and Kate Bronfenbrenner while examining Massachusetts, report that over 20% of the overall layoffs are because of offshore outsourcing (24). Nevertheless, Eduardo Porter of the New York Times believes that this issue is "overblown". In his article "Not Many Jobs Are Sent Abroad, U.S. Report Says" he states: "A new report released yesterday by the Labor Department on mass layoffs found that in the first quarter of this year, 4,633 workers were laid off because their jobs were moved overseas, a mere 2.5 percent of the total of 182,456 longer-term job losses reported by companies in the period."
Nevertheless, all of this information casts many people into gloom and despair. Many enthusiastic college students who started with high hopes of acquiring necessary knowledge to compete and get a decent job are suddenly enlightened - and their soaring dreams are mercilessly flung into the dungeon of depression and pessimism. After spending so much time, so much money, so much effort on furthering their education, the students realize that their jobs are already taken away from them!
As we continue to examine the American job market and the influence of globalization on it, we can recognize the implications that it has on us. Thomas Friedman, a well-known foreign affairs columnist for The New York Times, in his book The World is Flat, identifies this matter as "the quiet crisis". He writes, "This quiet crisis involves the steady erosion of America's scientific and engineering base, which has always been the source of American innovation and our rising standard of living." Politicians and businessmen console us with statistics claiming that the economy is growing; in essence, they are saying, "The sun is shining brightly." As in a case of a great storm, the weather before it is usually very calm. But, based on experience, meteorologists know that whenever the barometric pressure falls at a certain rate, a storm is brewing. A scrupulous observer can perceive economic "gauges", and predict the grave results.
But as in the case of cancer, early diagnosis and treatment can prevent fatal outcome. Louis Pasteur once gave a very explicit recommendation, "Fortune favors the prepared mind." By preparing for this "quiet crisis", we as Americans can succeed. But by no means will this be easy. Many political, educational, economical and personal reforms are to be instituted in order for America to be on a level plane with the emerging "flat world" (Thomas Friedman).
The government must become aware of this impending crisis. Furthermore, it must reconstruct its employment laws and regulations. The government must educate the population of this approaching threat. Congress must endorse more education subsidies for the lower class so as to equalize the educational standard of Americans with that of rival competitors.
John Meredith gives advice to engineers, but it can be applied to any job - "Engineers can cope with the challenges of globalization by being flexible and adaptable." He then gives a helpful list of strategies which will help the striving. He advises: "Be a top-notch competitor. [. . .] Be a contributor. Be innovative. Understand the competition. TRY SOMETHING NEW".
Benjamin Franklin once stated: "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." We, the citizens of the United States of America, must plan, prepare and watch out; and like T. Friedman wrote, "Brace yourself: You are now about to enter the flat world."