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Posts by kubokid
Name: Thang Nguyen
Joined: Jun 28, 2023
Last Post: Jun 28, 2023
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From: Viet Nam
School: Da Nang University of Economics

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Jun 28, 2023
Writing Feedback / TASK 1 - The diagram gives information about the process of making carbonated drinks [3]

The diagram illustrates the process of producing carbonated drinks.

Overall, this is obvious that there are five prominent stages in this process, initiating with cleaning raw water and end with packaging carbonated drinks in the bottle and delivery to supermarket.

At the first step of process, raw water is removed impurities by the filter and transfer into the machine which make water become softener and totally purify by chemicals before pump it into electric heaters. At the second stage, purify water is evaporated and carbonation by the electric heaters which convert water from liquid form into vapour and refrigerated through the cooling pipe, the carbon dioxide and water vapour are combined to make carbonated water.

After the carbonated water are piped in to the large mixing tank by a long huge tube, this big tank decide the taste of water by mixing colouring, syrup, flavour. At next stage, the carbonated drinks is filtered by a big machine to fulfill into the bottles or cans.

Finally, the cans and bottles containing the carbonated drinks are packaged into paper cartons and delivered to consumers at supermarkets.
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