Letters /
Reference letter for a post grad Telecomms research degree [6]
I was wondering if anyone could suggest modifications to this example reference letter for a post graduate research position in Telecoms/IT.
(things in curly brackets are variable to me)
"To whom it may concern,
I'm writing this reference at the request of {my name} who is applying for a sponsored PhD research program at {name of Univeristy applying to} (Ref num: {reference number}).
I've known {my name} since {year}, when he did his Masters degree at {old university}. I was his supervisor for his dissertation ({dissertation title}) and his lecturer for one of his modules ({module title}). Unlike other students, he not only has commercial and working life experience but also the academic skills from his education background. His enthusiasm and dedication to both his dissertation and to my module was outstanding, and I highly recommend him for your research program.
Based upon my observations, {my name} is intelligent, diligent and energetic in his work and I am confident that he would be an asset to both the research team and to the University as a whole.
If you require any further information or any more questions regarding {my name}, then please feel free to contact me via email at {referees email address}.
Best Regards,
{referees name}"
Any suggestions would be gratefully recieved.