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Posts by elizabethki
Name: Elizabeth I
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Last Post: 6 hrs ago
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From: United States of America
School: Regina

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6 hrs ago
Writing Feedback / Grandma and quilting - my personal essay for college [3]

Reflect on something that someone has done for you that has made you happy or thankful in a surprising way. How has this gratitude affected or motivated you?
This is the prompt.
12 hrs ago
Writing Feedback / Grandma and quilting - my personal essay for college [3]

I sit at my grandma's kitchen table, the rhythmic whir of my sewing machine filling the room as my fingers carefully guide the fabric beneath the needle. My grandma sits beside me offering guidance, as colorful pieces of fabric slowly take shape into a quilt. I was in fourth grade when she first taught me how to quilt, and I'll never forget the sense of satisfaction I felt watching those vibrant pieces come together. Much like quilting, I've come to realize that I find the same joy in life when people come together. Each stitch brought me a little closer to the final product, which is a visual reminder that, with patience and effort, separate pieces can create something meaningful.
Much like quilting, I've come to realize that I find the same joy in fostering harmony and unity wherever I can. Every person, like a piece of fabric, has a unique place in the pattern of life which is the foundation of a community. Whether I'm with friends, family, or teammates, I've always sought to build a community. These values are very important to me since they were instilled in me at a young age, so I have come to appreciate the importance of collaboration and what everyone has to contribute. I have carried these lessons into various aspects of my life, striving to create an environment where everyone feels like they belong.
Quilting serves as a metaphor to my life. When piecing the squares together, each piece has its own place, and none can be overlooked. Similar to real life where everyone has their own place. Each person brings their own unique contributions to a group, whether it being creativity, support, communication, or competitiveness. When bringing a body of people together I find that having many different qualities within the organization brings the best out of each person. When forming a group I find that having a diverse accumulation of individuals helps to make for better outcomes and experiences overall. In life I believe there is a place for everyone. It's not just bringing them together that is satisfying, but also that the sense of harmony it brings. I find happiness when I bring individuals together.
I draw people together by creating a community where all feel welcomed. As the captain of the tennis team this year I was able to harbor this sense of community that I always look for. Regardless of skill level, each player had a role to play, and I made sure everyone felt valued. I did this by encouraging players on and off the court, getting to know everyone, creating a group chat where the team could text on, and planning team dinners after matches. Much like the quilt squares, the individual strengths of each player came together to create a stronger, unified team.
Once my grandma died I was left with an unfinished quilt. I took it upon myself to finish it using the skills she had taught me. As it now hangs on my bedroom wall, I am reminded of the special time that we spent together. I am also reminded of all the hours and days we spent together to make the quilt come together. I learned many valuable lessons from my grandma during that time such as patience, attention to detail, a sense of order and that every piece has a place. Through the guidance and lessons I received from my grandma I am able to use what I have learned from quilting and apply it to my life to continue to cultivate a sense of community wherever the future will take me.
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