Feb 24, 2010
Writing Feedback / "Freedom to Failure" - Definition & Example paper, passive voice, prepostion use [2]
Freedom to Failure
Cell phone use today is completely out of control. We are hooked on a devise that most claim to be a necessity to survive in the world. Yes, the cell phone is a significant invention that allowed us to talk anytime, anywhere, to almost anyone. We want more. We crave the next new idea that will allow us to reach yet another level, and we do it at any cost. The freedom we have to communicate with our cell phones has been twisted, "to alter the mental, moral or emotional character of". (free dictionary) Lives continue to be lost by distracted cell phone users. Personal contact will become obsolete even though we have more ways to communicate than ever before. Phone edict and common courtesy are tossed in the gutter like they had no relevance in today's social development. The days of playing kick the can in the street with the neighborhood kids are over. Kids sit quietly alone with their phones. Our neighborhood streets have become a blur of useless activity that we merely have to walk through.
Freedom to Failure
Cell phone use today is completely out of control. We are hooked on a devise that most claim to be a necessity to survive in the world. Yes, the cell phone is a significant invention that allowed us to talk anytime, anywhere, to almost anyone. We want more. We crave the next new idea that will allow us to reach yet another level, and we do it at any cost. The freedom we have to communicate with our cell phones has been twisted, "to alter the mental, moral or emotional character of". (free dictionary) Lives continue to be lost by distracted cell phone users. Personal contact will become obsolete even though we have more ways to communicate than ever before. Phone edict and common courtesy are tossed in the gutter like they had no relevance in today's social development. The days of playing kick the can in the street with the neighborhood kids are over. Kids sit quietly alone with their phones. Our neighborhood streets have become a blur of useless activity that we merely have to walk through.