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School bullying has serious negative effects. [5]
School bullying is a widespread issue that affects youths seriously in three essential parts of their lives educationally, psychologically and professionally. Bullying is sort of aggressive behaviour against others such as, verbal by calling nasty names, physical by kicking, pushing or tripping up and social by everyone stopped talking to you. Despite some children bully others without aware to the results of their actions but bullying reflects adversely on the victims' lives and leads to be victimization to several disorders like anxiety, depression, loneliness and lose their opportunity to have an ordinary life. However, bullied children are more likely to expose themselves to suicide. On the contrary, perpetrators have less impact on their lives. In my opinion, bullying at school has significant effects in whole children lives. The following essay will discuss the negative effects of school bullying and its consequences.
Academic achievement is the first aspects which influence by bullying at school. Therefore, bullied children live within fear, self blame, feel weak and its affect their personality traits and self confidence so this situation makes them unable to study well and they might hate going to school and tend to the truancy. Furthermore, they will lose their opportunities to participate with others or enjoy school activities. Hence, they will gain less academic performance and low educational attainment. (Oliver & Candappa .2003). There is a strong association between academic achievement and being bullied (woods & wolke ,2004). Additionally, there is a relationship between bullying and school quality such as class-size the number of student in the classroom, lack of library, sports facilities and if the teacher considers as a mother or father when she or he treat with children during their educational progress. Dearden et al. (2002).
As far as psychological health is concerned, bullied children are more expose to the
psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression, law self-esteem and lonliness.
All these affect their reactions towards themselves and others. In addition, children
become ashamed as well as having law self-acceptance after bullying or harassment.
This will lead them to be rejected by their families as a result of social exclusion. All
these things may make them think of suicide or doing some aggressive behaviours as
a solution to their problems (Coggan, Bennett, Hooper, & Dickinson, 2003;
Kanetsuna et al., 2006). Some external deviation such as glasses, teeth, ears,
protruding and obesity leads to bullied others and hurt them deeply. According to
Perry, Hodges, & Egan (2001), having one of these features cause children to have
law self-esteem. Nevertheless, heterosexual peers who are sexual minority youths
more likely to think about suicide and experienced health risk behaviours. there is no
lesbians bullying others as well as gay males. Moreover, text-bullying between
adolescents threaten the emotional health via messages. An example of this is that
recent case in new Zealand involve a 12 years old girl who suicide after months of
receiving bullying messages.(hall, 2006).
The adverse impact of bullying on individuals earning in the future in term of looking
for a job. There is no doubt that the higher educational attainment the higher earning
people got. Nonetheless, children who experienced bullying at childhood stage resort
to escape from their schools and then gain lower grades. Hence, it become difficult to
find good job without qualification and suffering long term unemployment in
adulthood. Varhama & Bjorkqvist (2005). The figures of earning for those who
experienced bullying regularly at age 7 and 11 respectively were lower compared with
children who are not. However, bullying affect not solely the income itself it also
affects the shape and rank or position of the job.
In stark contrast to others who believe that student could pass the bullying situation
and its consequences if they work beside their teachers or friends to support the
victims and help them to outcome the aggression peers (Hunter, Boyle, & Warden,
2004). This ability to work together to stop bullying and advance self-efficacy
benefits which help to reduce depression symptoms (O'connell, Pepler, & Craig,
1999). Positive victims who enroll in some supportive programmers that assist victims
to rebuilt their self-regulation and enhance the ability to overcome their problems by
interventions in different domains of their lives.
Taking everything into consideration, it is apparent that bullying is a significant issue
affects our generations lives by different kind but we have to be strong enough to face
this problem and work together to prevent school bullying by encourage students
activities at school and reduce bullying in the future.
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