Book Reports /
Contrast essay on the 2 faces of Delia Grinstead (to contrast Delia) [3]
Hi, I am writing a contrast only essay on the 2 faces of Delia Grinstead, the main character in Anne Tylers novel, Ladder of Years. My goal is to contrast Delia before she left her family with the Delia she became after she left her family. I have never been blocked to this degree. I have written some, but am afraid it is not up to par. I am also struggling a little bit with the instructions, the thesis statement is supposed to be vague, it is a one side at a time structure. I would really appreciate any advise or help you could offer. Thanks..:)
Attention Getter:
"There are only two tragedies in life; one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it."
Thesis Statement: Oscar Wilde's words rang true for Mrs.Grinstead, her life was not the life she wanted. She was stuck in her child-like dress, subservient routine, and world of insecurities. Mrs. Grinstead, would start a new life, reinvent herself, become Ms. Grinstead; a sleek, assertive, confident adult.
P.S. If I keep this thesis statement then I have no real topic sentence for my paragraphs. Do you agree?