Nov 13, 2010
Research Papers / Thesis + Arguments for research paper on Obedience / Need help ! [4]
Hi everybody,
First of all, I would like tell you that I am french. Thus excuse me for my poor english.
I have a research paper to write (3000 words) with for subject : Obedience.
My problem is to find a thesis and its three arguments that must confirm my thesis.
My first thesis was :" A righteous society leads undoubtibly to be composed of a suitable distribution of obedience and disobediance".
My 3 arguments were :
1° Obedience lo law allows us to live in community.
2° Disobedience of citizens allows society to progress.
3° In righteous society, people are free to make choices without obey or disobey.
The problem is that my professor told me that I can't write one argument on obedience and one on disobediance. For her I argue on each side.
Can you help me to find arguments because I have no idea how to argue about this thesis?
Secondly, I was interested to write a thesis on the extreme disobedience. (If the first thesis is to difficult to developed) Thus if you have some ideas or starting points of thinking, I listen you
Thanks for your attention.
Hi everybody,
First of all, I would like tell you that I am french. Thus excuse me for my poor english.
I have a research paper to write (3000 words) with for subject : Obedience.
My problem is to find a thesis and its three arguments that must confirm my thesis.
My first thesis was :" A righteous society leads undoubtibly to be composed of a suitable distribution of obedience and disobediance".
My 3 arguments were :
1° Obedience lo law allows us to live in community.
2° Disobedience of citizens allows society to progress.
3° In righteous society, people are free to make choices without obey or disobey.
The problem is that my professor told me that I can't write one argument on obedience and one on disobediance. For her I argue on each side.
Can you help me to find arguments because I have no idea how to argue about this thesis?
Secondly, I was interested to write a thesis on the extreme disobedience. (If the first thesis is to difficult to developed) Thus if you have some ideas or starting points of thinking, I listen you
Thanks for your attention.