Nov 30, 2010
Research Papers / why did north Korea attack south Korea? [4]
why did north korea attack south korea?
We are hard to explain why do until now conflicts still come to us when we are in peace?to explained the question in detailed. Frst, we had better talk about the history of the war.After the world war two, in the field in politic, XoViet and US broke out the "cold war",and the war between North Korea and South Korea is its consequent. Second, the differences in politic between North Korea and South Korea is a main reason .North Korea is a democratic country.In contrast,South Korea is a communist country. It is hard for the two countries to cooperate or make the progress. Third, nowadays , the world is under the threat of terrorism and nuclear wars. South Korea is one on the countries which are producing nuclear weapons. this is dangerous. It is probably break out the world war three. Finally, we understand significant effects of the wars. Nevertheless, we are so greed and selfish so that they desire to be above the others . We always want to start wars to be the strongest and richest.
why did north korea attack south korea?
We are hard to explain why do until now conflicts still come to us when we are in peace?to explained the question in detailed. Frst, we had better talk about the history of the war.After the world war two, in the field in politic, XoViet and US broke out the "cold war",and the war between North Korea and South Korea is its consequent. Second, the differences in politic between North Korea and South Korea is a main reason .North Korea is a democratic country.In contrast,South Korea is a communist country. It is hard for the two countries to cooperate or make the progress. Third, nowadays , the world is under the threat of terrorism and nuclear wars. South Korea is one on the countries which are producing nuclear weapons. this is dangerous. It is probably break out the world war three. Finally, we understand significant effects of the wars. Nevertheless, we are so greed and selfish so that they desire to be above the others . We always want to start wars to be the strongest and richest.