Jan 22, 2011
Research Papers / Thesis + Arguments for research paper on Obedience / Need help ! [4]
Need help on making a specific topic for an English paper on obedience.
I have to write a five page paper on obedience for my English class but the topic is obedience which I'm struggling with because it is so broad.
I was thinking about writing on obedience in relationships (from groups and peer pressure to parent-child relationships) but I'm feeling like even that is too broad.
Can anyone help me narrow this down or give an idea on where to go with the topic?
Thank youu
Need help on making a specific topic for an English paper on obedience.
I have to write a five page paper on obedience for my English class but the topic is obedience which I'm struggling with because it is so broad.
I was thinking about writing on obedience in relationships (from groups and peer pressure to parent-child relationships) but I'm feeling like even that is too broad.
Can anyone help me narrow this down or give an idea on where to go with the topic?
Thank youu