Undergraduate /
FSU Essay: Family is more than one word to me. [NEW]
"Vires, Artes, Mores" are words that are both a guiding philosophy for Florida State University and for my life. The most influential to me is Mores: to have strength in character, custom, or tradition. George Moore has said, "a man travels the world over in search of what he needs, and returns home to find it". Similarly, my family has instilled a lifestyle that will follow me wherever I go: explore what life has to offer, but never forget where you came from.
Family is more than a word to me: it is who you are: your character and your customs. When I was little, I was slightly embarrassed by my loud, obnoxious family. Rambunctious Italians with a taste for life (and food), I often compared my family to the one in the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding". Get-togethers featured both food and people that were unrecognizable to me; every holiday it seemed as though I had one more relative I did not know about. I modeled home life after my all-American friends whose families were much more serene and subtle than mine.
Now that I have grown and matured, I would not have wanted my family any other way. They have implanted in me the morals and characteristics that you need to make it in the real world. The fact that my family is understatedly big has made me determined and competitive, I work hard for what I believe in and strive for my voice to be heard. If possible, my family has bigger mouths than members. In contrast to my family, I have learned that not saying anything speaks volumes: just listening will get me far in life. My family has also taught me the morals and beliefs to value in life, but to never take anything too seriously. These characteristics have already helped me make the right decisions and have prepared me to be loyal to my background.
Sunday Family Dinners embody much of the lessons I have been taught: We gather around the table each Sunday to prepare for the week ahead and continue to show our appreciation for traditions and customs each week. As each Sunday Dinner passes, I am confident knowing that my family has instilled in me the strong sense of character needed in order to benefit from the opportunities, traditions, and customs that I will experience from the FSU Family and around the world.