Mar 29, 2011
Essays / International Human Rights Law - weaknesses in IHR law and its monitoring machinery [2]
Hello! I have to write an essay on the following question, but I am studying international human rights law as an elective only so I am a little confused. I am wondering if you could try and help to explain how I might go about answering it
The question:
"Despite its early promise, international universal human rights norms have failed to alleviate the suffering and
marginalisation experienced by millions of oppressed people throughout the world. Some of the blame
for this can undoubtedly be laid at the door of weaknesses or limitations in international human rights law and its
monitoring machinery."
Many Thanks!!
Hello! I have to write an essay on the following question, but I am studying international human rights law as an elective only so I am a little confused. I am wondering if you could try and help to explain how I might go about answering it
The question:
"Despite its early promise, international universal human rights norms have failed to alleviate the suffering and
marginalisation experienced by millions of oppressed people throughout the world. Some of the blame
for this can undoubtedly be laid at the door of weaknesses or limitations in international human rights law and its
monitoring machinery."
Many Thanks!!