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Posts by norangpmang
Joined: Apr 27, 2011
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Apr 27, 2011
Book Reports / "A thousand Splendid suns" change is a force that transcends our reach. [3]

Task: "If it was up to most people, they would stay the same- but time won't let them."
Discuss, in exposition form how the composer of your text AND one related text has explored circumstances that influence individuals and/or society to change.

Word limit - 800 words .. im currently on 960ish lol

As hard as we may try to escape, change is a force that transcends our grasp and is inexorable. As the characters and setting that people encounter during their daily lives undergo change, they accordingly must also adapt. The poem "Sky high" by Hannah Roberts and Khaled Hosseini's novel, "A Thousand Splendid Suns" establish that even unconsciously, an individual can change and make monumental progress fundamentally to become a more complete and improved person. This type of change allows a person to be more caring, responsible and mature unexpectedly and suddenly. Nevertheless, no matter what the situation is, there is always a circumstance that forces people to change even if they wish otherwise.

Despite reluctance to change, it is often inevitable with the steady march of time. As the background, time and people surrounding one change, one must adapt to the circumstances so that they may address contemporary issues by relevant means. "Sky-High" clearly addresses this issue that time won't allow one to stay the same by describing an aspect of a child's life as "the curious onlooker" which he wishes to retain. However, as time goes on it is unavoidable that he be reduced to just reminiscing. He still feels that "the inclination is there" to hang on the washing line like he did as a child, but he doubts that it could "support me this time" The setting towards the beginning of this poem is told in a very vivid and nostalgic way depicting the poet's deep emotional connection to his past. From the "other foliage" in the garden to the "faded clothes pegs" he remembers every detail of his cherished moment. Afterwards, the author goes on to describe the details of the yard and memories that he can't let go. This emphasises his want for the stability he had in youth. However, in the last stanza, the author explores how change is unescapable whether one looks forward to it or dreads its coming. In this case, he shows his regret in not being able to complete actions he was so fond of as a child. He uses the allegorical phrase of "there are too many things tying me to the ground" which depicts his physical stature but also his duties and his lack of carefree fun that he experienced as a child. The descriptive stanzas of his youth and his final one towards his later life emphasize his longing and desire for the past. This poem represents one aspect of life: that people would not change if nothing was pushing them forward.

In peaceful times, humans want to exist in predictable and turmoil-free lives; but when they are faced with misfortune and adversity, they embrace that for better or worse, change is needed to survive or live in better conditions. This is made explicitly clear in the novel "A thousand splendid suns" by Khaled Hosseini through exploring the lives of the Laila and Mariam and the gruesome situations they are put into which acts as a stimulant for their changes. Laila and Mariam are brought up in contrasting backgrounds and thus do not get along with each other upon meeting. However, sharing a common antagonist of Rasheed who threatens to kill Laila on two occasions, they eventually work together and form a bond closer than daughter and mother. With the support of one another, both women learn to persevere and endure Rasheed's mistreatment whilst caring for each other, an exemplary example presented in the quote "I'll get you seen Laila jo. I promise". Both Laila and Mariam mature and become more responsible through the especially when Laila gives birth to Aziza and Zalmai and through their love for each other, they find ways to live through the domineering times. The compassion and sympathy that grows inside them allows them to make sacrifices to protect each other. The greatest sacrifice was shown by Mariam who committed a murder in order to protect Laila from Rasheed. Despite knowing that she would be executed, she manifests extreme courage, something she lacked previously. Knowing how much she changed because of Laila, she was content in leaving the world. She was "leaving the world as a woman who had loved and been loved back. She was leaving it as a friend , a companion, a guardian. A Mother. A person of consequence at last." As the context for the women change, Mariam and Laila show the biggest transformations of all. Khaled Hosseini has the characters unconsciously change to be liberated from their former selves and make manifest the compassion and strength they were instilled with as a human being.

"If it was up to most people, they would stay the same- but time won't let them." Both "Sky High" and "A thousand Splendid Suns" portray the changes time can make on people and how it acts as a catalyst for their actions.
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