Jul 25, 2012
Research Papers / [Need help] topic: How much exercise kids really help? [4]
Thank you very much for your help.
This is my idea. It's quite similar with your idea.
# physical inactivity is common nowadays.
# harms of physical inactivity.
# People embark on doing exercise .
Benefits of physical activity for kids
# specific positive effects on kids.
explain some words like: aerobic, muscle-strengthening, and bone-strengthening...
# their definitions and their particular advantages.
how much exercise kids really need.
# 2 age groups (under 5 years old and 5-17 years old)
# specific recommendations for each group.
(maybe 2 paragraphs for each group.)
#Restate the essay prompt and summarize all your ideas in short disclosing advantages.
# is exercise only enough to be healthy. How about healthy eating habits you can write in one sentences.
thanks again.
Thank you very much for your help.
This is my idea. It's quite similar with your idea.
# physical inactivity is common nowadays.
# harms of physical inactivity.
# People embark on doing exercise .
Benefits of physical activity for kids
# specific positive effects on kids.
explain some words like: aerobic, muscle-strengthening, and bone-strengthening...
# their definitions and their particular advantages.
how much exercise kids really need.
# 2 age groups (under 5 years old and 5-17 years old)
# specific recommendations for each group.
(maybe 2 paragraphs for each group.)
#Restate the essay prompt and summarize all your ideas in short disclosing advantages.
# is exercise only enough to be healthy. How about healthy eating habits you can write in one sentences.
thanks again.