Jan 9, 2013
Undergraduate / Czech descent; Common App - Intercultural/Creative Opportunity [2]
Choose an intellectual or creative opportunity (for example, community involvement, a summer program, a unique project, travel abroad, etc.) from your high school years that you have enjoyed and highlight how you have grown personally because of the experience. (200 Word Limit)
A One of the most instrumental factors that has shaped my personality is my Czech descent. Both of my parents originally came to the U.S. from the Czech Republic in 1989. However, they still have family in Europe that I visit regularly. As a result, I have witnessed two very different cultures and have been effected by both. One aspect of the Czech culture that I have been taught is how important family is and the relationships that exist among relatives. Additionally, I have learned proper etiquette, sense of cleanliness, and an appreciation for my elders. Another quality characteristic of the Czech culture is that they are much more in tune with nature. I've gone on many hiking trips through the woods that really make one marvel at all the life that teems on this planet. This chapter of my life has and will forever be a part of who I am.
Incredibly, you have just won a $100 million dollar lottery. To receive it, you must first earn a college degree. How does this change your college experience? How does it change your life after college? (200 word limit)
B One of the main goals and drives of society is to achieve mental satisfaction and material wealth. Should that drive be removed, all that remains is to pursue one's interests. In most cases, this would cause a person to major in something he or she was solely interested in. However, even though I would receive an enormous amount of money after graduating would not change my major because I intend to major in what I find most interesting; biology and the study of life. After I major in biology, I believe the money would begin to play an important role. I intend to continue studying and obtain a PhD in biogerontology. I would take quite a large portion of my new found wealth and devote it into a college primarily for biogerontological research. My ultimate goal in life is to be able to give humans a chance to live a better, healthier, and longer life. Money of course, would be invaluable in helping me towards my goal.
Tell us an interesting or amusing story about yourself that you have not already shared in your application. (200 Word Limit)
C Music pays a substantial role in my family. From when she was little, my mother played piano, violin, and guitar. This inclined my sister to follow in her steps and study music as well. She chose piano. When it came time for me, I chose the violin. I picked the violin not because it is such a passionate instrument, but mainly because my mom played it and I wanted to be more like her. Therefore I w I have practiced and played the violin since I was young. After I had been playing the violin for a number of years I entered the 7th grade. The option of being in the school band was offered and since I already was involved with music, I decided to join. Unfortunately, a school band does not feature any string instruments such as the violin. Therefore I picked the saxophone because it was a neat instrument and a thirteen year old is easily swayed by such an alluring jazzy instrument. Ever since, I have been involved with both the violin and saxophone and intend on moving forward with this unique feature that I have.
UGA's First Year Odyssey Program offers more than 300 seminar courses for new freshmen. Some examples include "The History of Horseracing", "Einstein and the Theories of Relativity" and "The Zombie Plague" (Full listing here). If you could create your own seminar course at UGA in any subject area that interested you, what would it be? What would the course be named and what would you hope to learn? (200 Word Limit)
D "Exploring the Possibility of Other Intelligent Life-Forms" would be a seminar that I would be interested in for pure intellectual curiosity and philosophical pursuit. One of the key points of the lecture would be to open minds to the possibility of other life. There would be discussions about possible theories of our evolution and how else it could have happened. I've always thought alien life to be a fascinating subject. Just think, even though there has been no contact, we must consider the fact that earth is a planet of billions of possibly habitable planets. It would be more surprising if other life did not exist. It is not hard to imagine that other life exists because there is strong evidence supporting the claim. It's right here on earth, the existence of human beings prove it's not only possible but probable as well.
Choose an intellectual or creative opportunity (for example, community involvement, a summer program, a unique project, travel abroad, etc.) from your high school years that you have enjoyed and highlight how you have grown personally because of the experience. (200 Word Limit)
A One of the most instrumental factors that has shaped my personality is my Czech descent. Both of my parents originally came to the U.S. from the Czech Republic in 1989. However, they still have family in Europe that I visit regularly. As a result, I have witnessed two very different cultures and have been effected by both. One aspect of the Czech culture that I have been taught is how important family is and the relationships that exist among relatives. Additionally, I have learned proper etiquette, sense of cleanliness, and an appreciation for my elders. Another quality characteristic of the Czech culture is that they are much more in tune with nature. I've gone on many hiking trips through the woods that really make one marvel at all the life that teems on this planet. This chapter of my life has and will forever be a part of who I am.
Incredibly, you have just won a $100 million dollar lottery. To receive it, you must first earn a college degree. How does this change your college experience? How does it change your life after college? (200 word limit)
B One of the main goals and drives of society is to achieve mental satisfaction and material wealth. Should that drive be removed, all that remains is to pursue one's interests. In most cases, this would cause a person to major in something he or she was solely interested in. However, even though I would receive an enormous amount of money after graduating would not change my major because I intend to major in what I find most interesting; biology and the study of life. After I major in biology, I believe the money would begin to play an important role. I intend to continue studying and obtain a PhD in biogerontology. I would take quite a large portion of my new found wealth and devote it into a college primarily for biogerontological research. My ultimate goal in life is to be able to give humans a chance to live a better, healthier, and longer life. Money of course, would be invaluable in helping me towards my goal.
Tell us an interesting or amusing story about yourself that you have not already shared in your application. (200 Word Limit)
C Music pays a substantial role in my family. From when she was little, my mother played piano, violin, and guitar. This inclined my sister to follow in her steps and study music as well. She chose piano. When it came time for me, I chose the violin. I picked the violin not because it is such a passionate instrument, but mainly because my mom played it and I wanted to be more like her. Therefore I w I have practiced and played the violin since I was young. After I had been playing the violin for a number of years I entered the 7th grade. The option of being in the school band was offered and since I already was involved with music, I decided to join. Unfortunately, a school band does not feature any string instruments such as the violin. Therefore I picked the saxophone because it was a neat instrument and a thirteen year old is easily swayed by such an alluring jazzy instrument. Ever since, I have been involved with both the violin and saxophone and intend on moving forward with this unique feature that I have.
UGA's First Year Odyssey Program offers more than 300 seminar courses for new freshmen. Some examples include "The History of Horseracing", "Einstein and the Theories of Relativity" and "The Zombie Plague" (Full listing here). If you could create your own seminar course at UGA in any subject area that interested you, what would it be? What would the course be named and what would you hope to learn? (200 Word Limit)
D "Exploring the Possibility of Other Intelligent Life-Forms" would be a seminar that I would be interested in for pure intellectual curiosity and philosophical pursuit. One of the key points of the lecture would be to open minds to the possibility of other life. There would be discussions about possible theories of our evolution and how else it could have happened. I've always thought alien life to be a fascinating subject. Just think, even though there has been no contact, we must consider the fact that earth is a planet of billions of possibly habitable planets. It would be more surprising if other life did not exist. It is not hard to imagine that other life exists because there is strong evidence supporting the claim. It's right here on earth, the existence of human beings prove it's not only possible but probable as well.