Undergraduate /
CONSUMPTION & BI-PRODUCTS; Petroleum Engineering SOP - University of Wyoming [7]
Dear Admissions Committee,Two years ago, I was introduced by a mutual friend to a petroleum engineer. His work experiences, research, and fascination with applied math and engineering instilled my mathematical fervor back into my academic and professional pursuits. The utter ubiquitousness of petroleum and its multifaceted applications that have affected nearly every aspect of our physical lives is the industry that I want to delve into with all of my determination. And because of petroleum's properties and necessity to everyday life and my ardor for applied math, I need to supplement my BA in English Literature and mathematics with an MS in Petroleum Engineering at the University of Wyoming.
In grade school, I won several district chess championships and Math Bees. I was always fervent with seeping mathematics in the environment surrounding me. I wanted to be an engineer but until freshman year of college, there were colossal domestic issues that severed my focus for several years. I then found solace in Asian literature and the Chinese language. However, after graduation, I needed to revert to my innate desires and decided to return to school for mathematics.
Though I am not taking engineering courses, to enroll in an engineering college would be unfeasible due to my work schedule and commuting restrictions. The engineering applications of my vector calculus, ordinary differential equations, and soon partial differential equations coursework further confirm my pursuits in petroleum engineering. The dynamism of petroleum presents itself in various forms and we must proportionally alter our procedures for environmental concerns and scientific research.
I have been reading petroleum engineering journals and am exhilarated by the plethora of challenges engineers, geophysicists, and mathematicians face on a daily basis. One of my main goals is to increase my fluency in Mandarin and utilize my petroleum expertise in China where renewable energy sources are needed most concerning their continuing economic boom which matches their out of control pollution levels. Also in Japan where they will soon shun nuclear energy and seek other viable energy sources, this will emerge as a potentially large petroleum engineering and energy research field.
I aim to study under Professor xxfor his research in oil-water separation and in the reduction of pollutants in the utilization of super-critical fluids in the coating industry. New research in this sector will benefit us as the coating industry will only grow with more development in India and China. I also ask to be supervised by Professor Alvarado for his research in data mining and enhanced oil recovery or reservoir simulation modeling. After completion of my graduate degree, I plan to work in emerging economies to develop nascent energy production plans. Of course, this is after I am confident of my expertise imbibed from the University of Wyoming, professors, research, and internships. Eventually I want to complete a Ph.D in petroleum engineering or applied mathematics.
The University of Wyoming will grant me the best opportunities for graduate studies petroleum engineering for several reasons. Aside from its geographic location and convenience of geological phenomenon; the University of Wyoming is superb in its geophysics and geology studies which provide great flexibility in my studies, faculty, and experienced professionals in the petroleum engineering field.
Although I have not done mathematical or scientific research, in spring 2009 I completed a 32-page thesis on the juxtaposition of urban statistics, film, and the Japanese economy from 1880 to 1989. I've included this thesis as part of my application for your review.
I want to briefly explain my grade point average during my initial undergraduate years at xxxx College. I was living with nine other family members in a two-bedroom apartment and adding on that my four hour daily commute, my studies were severely hindered by financial and familial woes as I couldn't afford textbooks for the first year of college. My domestic issues were detrimental to my second-semester calculus and other foundation courses. I sought mentorship as I am the only child of six to complete college. My parents never finished high school and my academic and competitive lifestyle beared no affinities with them. I pursued new ways to express myself and I realized literature, photography, Mandarin, and art was of great appeal to me and I find benefit and awe in many academic disciplines. The maturity and resilience I gained keep me assured despite the chaos surrounding me at home.
My ultimate allegiance to applied mathematics and engineering since my days in high school in electrical engineering shop classes reemerged and I returned to xxx College to fulfill a mathematical foundation along with my full-time job to fund my classes. I also tutor my younger sister and need to prove to her, my family and to myself importantly, that education propels you into success. I understand the value of hard work as I studied Mandarin for two years and was able to teach English in xxx, China as the first intern to ever do so for a summer internship and was comfortable conversing with locals and students.
Currently, I am registered for partial differential equations and retaking vector calculus to reestablish my foundation in advanced calculus. I plan to take physics with calculus and mechanics or thermodynamics in the first month of summer.
Nevertheless, a piece is missing. This piece is to create a lifestyle out of applied mathematics and engineering towards improving energy consumption and byproducts of energy production. I envision a career in this field as a culmination of my varied interests and would appreciate the opportunity to pursue this at the University of Wyoming. I look forward to an intellectually inspiring and fruitful association with Professor xx, Professor xx, and university staff with my relentless determination to pursue petroleum engineering,