Undergraduate /
American Muslim - Rutgers Diversity [6]
Overall, it's a good essay that answers the question pretty well. Just a few ways to make it sound better:
Growing up as an American Muslim has been one of the most challenging yet fulfilling achievements in life.
Should be: Growing up as an American Muslim has been one of the most challenging yet fulfilling achievements in my life.
Being born and raised in a Muslim family, I realized the strong parallels that both Islam and American cultures possess.
Should be: Being born and raised in a Muslim family, I have come to realize that there are strong parallels between Islamic and American culture.
Having been exposed to both ways of life throughout my life, I feel that I'm capable of adapting and contributing to the environment that Rutgers University possesses.
Should be: Having been exposed to both ways of life, I feel that I am capable of adapting and contributing to the diverse community that Rutgers possesses. (the word 'life' is used twice, making it redundant)
I learned to accept the basic morals and ethics my religion teaches, and continue to strive in becoming an active member of the Muslim community and to better myself as a practicing Muslim.
Should be: I learned to accept the basic morals and ethics of my religion, and continue to strive not only to better myself as a practicing Muslim, but to be an active member of the Muslim community in my area.
After attending these events, I realized how important it is an American Muslim to help out those in need, no matter who they are or where they're from.
Should be: By participating in these acts of charity, I have come to understand the importance of helping those in need, no matter who they are or where they are from.
Through these gatherings, I was able to meet Christians and Jews around my age who were also struggling to find that bridge to cross in terms of finding that connection between what we believe in and what society dictates.
Should be: Through these gatherings, I was able to meet Christians and Jews of my age who also struggle to find a bridge to cross in terms of finding the connection between what one believes and what society dictates.
Also,I believe you should expand on the conclusion a lot more. Other than that, great essay.