Sep 20, 2014
Essays / write a "story" - should I literally just talk about everything I'm involved in? UT AUSTIN [3]
The promt is "Considering your lifetime goals, discuss how your current and future academic and extracurricular activities might help you". How do I write this? Usually for other topics you can write a "story" or something but this seems vauge. Should I literally just talk about everything I'm involved in? Sorry if this seems like a stupid question, I just don't want to write about things that the admissions people can simply read from my resume.
The promt is "Considering your lifetime goals, discuss how your current and future academic and extracurricular activities might help you". How do I write this? Usually for other topics you can write a "story" or something but this seems vauge. Should I literally just talk about everything I'm involved in? Sorry if this seems like a stupid question, I just don't want to write about things that the admissions people can simply read from my resume.