Aug 24, 2015
Essays / 'The Odyssey' - Beginning my term paper; How do I begin? [4]
Hi there. I am beginning to write one of my term papers for class, and I need help discerning where to begin, how to begin, so on and so forth. Here is my prompt :
"The gods in The Odyssey are constantly interfering in human affairs and to a lare extent, determine the action of the poem; yet the gods also consistently assert human' responsibility for their own actions and thus justify the rewards and punishments they dole out to the humans. Who determines the course of events in the Odyssey, gods or humans? What does your answer tell us about ancient Greek attitude towards fate, the gods, and human agency?"
Again, any help at all would be great. Subjects, points, information, thoughts, reference links, sites and citations, viewpoints, structure.
Hi there. I am beginning to write one of my term papers for class, and I need help discerning where to begin, how to begin, so on and so forth. Here is my prompt :
"The gods in The Odyssey are constantly interfering in human affairs and to a lare extent, determine the action of the poem; yet the gods also consistently assert human' responsibility for their own actions and thus justify the rewards and punishments they dole out to the humans. Who determines the course of events in the Odyssey, gods or humans? What does your answer tell us about ancient Greek attitude towards fate, the gods, and human agency?"
Again, any help at all would be great. Subjects, points, information, thoughts, reference links, sites and citations, viewpoints, structure.