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Jul 22, 2009
Writing Feedback / How my gay father, family and community have shaped who i am today - uc prompt [6]

Prompt: Describe the world you come from- your family, community or school and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.

Life in suburban New York can at times be very intriguing for those who are part of individulity. I believe that growing up in New York has given me a different perspective, teaching me to make the best of every situation in life. I live in an area with about 13,000 people and roughly 800-900 high schoolers. Life in a small town/ city can be both fun and boring.

I would like to begin by telling you about my family and some of its backround as it is somewhat uncommon. My parents were divorced by the time i was two. My mother was adopted and my father grew up in a harsh home. When my mother was employed both of my parents were accountants. My father enjoys tanning, baking, gardening, and arts and crafts as does my sister and mother, but i am considerably different in my interests. I am part of many academic, athletic and community service extracurricular activities that my school offers.

Aside from my different interests you may be wondering why my parents were divorced by the time i was two and why my father enjoys such things as cooking and cleaning intead of things like sports and cars. This is because my father is gay and has been open about it since the time i was around two years old. You can figure that based on where i live in New York it was hard for this news not to spread around quickly throughout the community.

A lot of people in New York and around the world are afraid of different ideas and/ or change. I am not. I dream of and want diversity, and change, and the new experiences that come along with these two aspects of life in part because of the family i grew up with. When i travel to college i want to be part of a campus with people from all over the world, with multiple races, religions, and views. I want to be in a surrounding where revolutionary thought is normal and intelligence is valued. This is UC and this is what i am looking for.

My dream is to one day become a surgeon. Living with a gay father has not shaped this dream but has made me a more creative, social, and soft hearted individual while shaping my aspirations. I aspire to bring all different kinds of people together. To teach people- not to judge someone by the way they dress, speak, and/ or look but for the person they are inside because everyone deserves this chance. I aspire to bring the world and the people on it closer over the yers to come.

I am confident that after living in suburban New York and growing up in the gay community/ environment that California will be a day in the sun.
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