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'Obesity in America' - Sophie Davis Essay #2 - the major domestic problem confronting the USA [2]
The prompt is:
Briefly describe what you believe is a major domestic problem confronting the United States - socially, economically or in health care. Indicate how you think this problem should be resolved.Any help is greatly appreciated.
Modern life in America has driven many people to eat more unhealthy foods, eat larger food portions, and be less physically active. The number of overweight or obese Americans has been rising in recent years and quickly becoming an epidemic. One in three Americans is currently obese and one in three is overweight. As a precursor to a number of ailments such as cardiovascular disease or atherosclerosis, obesity is an issue that needs to be handled immediately.
One good place to start is at schools. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the percentage of children between ages 6 and 11 in the United States who was obese increased from 7% in 1980 to almost 20% in 2012. The percentage of adolescents between ages 12 and 19 increased from 5% to 21% over the same period. Replacing fat and grease laden foods such as pizza and cheeseburgers, with more nutritious options such as soups or salads in school cafeterias, would prompt a significant decrease in obese youth. In addition, students should be required to take part in physical education every day and periodically take health classes. Gym classes must be taken more seriously academic wise. If public schools were to count the physical education grade in the report card average, students - especially those in high school - would be more motivated to participate and learn about how to obtain a healthy lifestyle.
Obesity is also an issue in adults. In a recent study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 36% of adults were obese between 2011 and 2014. In order to combat obesity on a wider scale, food portions need to be lowered. The portions often served in fast food and other types of restaurants are often enough for two or three people. All restaurants can contribute by reducing the portions of the foods and drinks they serve. Lowering the prices of healthier options on menus will also promote healthy eating. In addition, restaurant meals should automatically come with healthy sides and low-calorie beverages. By lowering prices on healthy meals and decreasing food portions, American will eat more healthily. This would considerably decrease obesity in the country.
Being obese or overweight can have far-reaching health consequences. Excess body weight increases a person's risk of developing diabetes, stroke, arthritis, and some cancers, as well as other life-threatening diseases. Improving American nutrition is imperative.